If you want empty talk, ask a man; if you want something accomplished, ask a woman. ──Speech at the National Union of Townswomen's Guilds Conference, May 20, 1965
There are crises in ***consciousness: ***consciousness may be for Pandering to people who have no concrete views on anything... There will be no great party unless it is based on a firm belief in its mission─Conservative Party Convention, October 10, 1968
No woman will become Prime Minister in my lifetime - TV interview, March 5, 1973
Ladies and gentlemen, tonight, I am wearing a red chiffon evening gown, a touch of pink and white, Standing in front of you with lightly curly hair...the iron lady of the Western world. Is it me? Cold warrior? Well, it’s me, if that’s how they want to interpret my defense of life’s most fundamental values ??of freedom. ──January 31, 1976
The Russians are determined to dominate the world, and they are quickly acquiring the capital to become the most powerful empire in the world. ──Excerpted from a speech given on January 19, 1976, which earned her the title "Iron Lady".
To those who are waiting with bated breath for the media's favorite term 'U-shaped reversal', I have only one thing to say: you can do it all you want, but I will never do it, Iron Lady. change. I say this not only to you, but also to our friends overseas and to others who are not friends. ─ Conservative Party Conference, October 1980
Mere opposition will not win, only full support and clear delivery of your message will. ──February 11, 1975
As long as I can finally achieve my goal, I will have extraordinary patience. ──House of Commons, March 31, 1982
Bring harmony where there is conflict. Where there is error, preach truth. Where there is doubt, deliver faith. Where there is disappointment, evoke hope. --Quoting St. Francis of Assisi after winning the election, May 1979
No! No! No! ──Statement in the House of Commons at the European Parliament Summit, 30 October 1990
“If you spend half your political life dealing with boring issues like the environment, then you have a real thing on your hands. Crisis is exciting." --Comments on the Battle of the Falkland Islands, May 14, 1982.
“We fight to tell the world that launching an invasion is unjustifiable, and the robbers cannot be allowed to escape with their stolen goods. Our fight has been supported by many people around the world. … But we They are also fighting alone." - Talking about the Battle of the Falkland Islands on July 3, 1982.
"I have been asked if I am trying to restore the values ??of the Victorian era. I answered flatly that yes. I am still committed to it." -- Address to the British Jewish Community, July 21, 1983 A passage from that time.
“Those countries that support equality doctrines such as communism have neither freedom nor justice nor equality. They have the most serious inequality in the world. Compared with politicians in those countries, The privileges enjoyed by ordinary people are greater than in any other country in the world, and those countries that embrace freedom, justice, and people's autonomy still enjoy freedom and justice, and the degree of equality and equality between their people compared with other countries. The respect for each individual is much higher. Follow the path I point out. You will have freedom and justice, and the differences between people will be much smaller than in the Soviet Union." - Television, January 1983. What was said during the interview.
“If the people lose their super-confidence in themselves and their spirit of rudeness and contempt, tyranny may come to this country at any time.
There is always a way for tyranny to get in - no spell or bolt can prevent it. "--Words spoken during the British coal miners' strike on July 19, 1984.
"Economics is a method whose goal is to change the heart and soul. ” -- said in the Sunday Times on May 1, 1981.
“We can do *** things together. "--What Mikhail Gorbachev said on December 17, 1984.
"If the good Samaritan had only good intentions, no one would remember him. . He still has money in his hand. "--What he said in a TV interview on January 6, 1986.
"There is no such thing as society. Some are individual men and women, and some are families. "--What he said in an interview with a magazine on October 31, 1987.
"I became a grandmother. "--What she said when announcing the birth of her first grandchild on March 3, 1989.
"If your starting point is to please people, you have to be prepared to do anything at any time. Compromise and you will get nowhere. "--What he said when commenting on the 10th anniversary of his tenure as British Prime Minister on May 3, 1989.
"I will not live forever, but I still have strength left. "--Words spoken on September 9, 1990.