If pain is bought by knowing the truth and sticking to it, we should consciously and happily bear it. At that time, and only then, pain will become happiness. -Author: Zhang Zhixin
Seeking happiness in wealth, power, honor and exclusive love will not only bring happiness, but also lead to the loss of happiness. -Author: lev tolstoy
When a person only thinks about himself, his desire to pursue happiness can only be satisfied in rare cases, which is not beneficial to himself or others. -Author: Engels
I feel that I am someone that people need to be close to-this is the greatest enjoyment and the highest joy in life. This is the truth, don't forget this truth, it will give you unlimited happiness. -Author: Gorky
The sun is happy because it shines everywhere; The sea is also happy, because it reflects the happiness of the sun. -Author: Gorky
Books have turned me into a happy person and my life into a light and comfortable poem, as if the bell of a new life were ringing in my life. -Author: Gorky
Anyone who creates his own happiness should be a craftsman and creator of the happiness of all workers and peasants. When he becomes a happy craftsman for everyone, he will also become his own happy craftsman. -Author: Kalinin