“The golden mean is the highest and greatest way in the world.”, “Everything must be done in moderation, and there is no fault or inferiority.”, “Stop in moderation, is a virtue.” etc.
1. "The Golden Mean is the highest and greatest way in the world." - Confucius emphasizes the importance of moderation and balance, and believes that the Golden Mean is the highest and greatest way. .
2. "Everything should be done in moderation, and nothing should be too much or too little." - "Mencius" This sentence emphasizes the need for moderation in all things, without excess or deficiency.
3. "Moderation is a virtue." -Aristotle This sentence emphasizes that moderation is a virtue and means finding the right balance.
Question 1: Soaked with tears of struggle, filled with blood rain of sacrifice.
Question 2: Surrounded by lakes and mountains.