Personality is constantly evolving and changing. It is the sum of everything a person has experienced in life since birth. So how much do you know about the factors that form personality? The following is the content I compiled about the factors that form personality. I hope you like it!
Factors that form personality
The first is Genetic determinism of personality. This view holds that what plays a decisive role in the formation and development of human personality is a person's genetic qualities. These qualities are already present in the embryo and are determined by genetic genes. British psychologist Galton was the founder of genetic determinism. He used genealogy research methods to first select 977 famous figures, including politicians, judges, writers, and artists, and investigated their relatives. He found that among them There are 332 famous fathers, sons and brothers. Then, 997 ordinary people were selected as controls, and their relatives were investigated and found that only one person was famous. Accordingly, Galton believed that just as the morphological organization and functional characteristics of all organisms are determined by heredity, a person's abilities are mainly acquired by heredity. American psychologist Hall once said: "An ounce of inheritance is worth a ton of education." ? It can be seen from this that genetic determinists one-sidedly exaggerate the role of heredity, but fundamentally ignore the role of the environment in the formation and development of personality, thus falling into the pit of fatalism on the issue of human personality development.
The second type is the environmental determinism of personality. This view one-sidedly emphasizes the role of social environment on personality development, denies human biological attributes and the internal laws of personality development, and completely attributes personality development to the simple adaptation and direct effect of people on the social environment. Here, people are simply regarded as objects that passively accept the influence and effects of the environment. Watson, the founder of behaviorism, an American psychologist, once said: Give me a dozen healthy babies and a special world in which to train them, and I can guarantee that any one chosen at random will be trained to be what I choose. Any type of special person, such as a doctor, a lawyer, an artist, a big businessman, or even a beggar or a thief. ?Shan environmental determinism over-exaggerated the role of social factors on personality development and ignored the initiative and feedback of human personality on the environment. Therefore, it finally fell into the pit of the mechanical view of society.
The third type is the genetic and environmental determinism of personality. This is a mixture and compromise of the first two extreme views. The main representative of this view is the American psychologist Cattell. He believes that human personality is restricted by both biological factors and social factors, and both determine personality. He also believed that the key was to determine the respective proportions of these two factors in the formation of personality. He estimated that about 4/5 of the intellectual traits of a personality depend on heredity and 1/5 on the environment. German psychologist Stern regarded personality as the convergence of genetic atoms and environmental atoms. The two-factor theory of personality does not reveal the essence of personality. It simply combines biological factors and social factors into personality, denying the dialectical unity relationship between biological factors and social factors in the formation and development of personality. In fact, in the process of the formation and development of personality, it is difficult to separate the roles of heredity and environment. It can be said that there is me in you and you in me. They are interdependent, influence each other, restrict and restrict each other. function relationship. The structure of personality
(1) Personality tendency? Refers to the positive characteristics of a person's attitude and behavior towards the social environment, including needs, motivations, interests, ideals, beliefs, worldview, etc. Personality determines a person's attitude towards reality, and determines his tendency and choice of objects for cognitive activities. Personality tendency is the dynamic structure of the personality system. It is less affected by innate factors such as physiology and genetics, and is mainly formed during the process of acquired cultivation and socialization. The various components of personality tendencies do not exist in isolation, but are interconnected, influence and restrict each other. Among them, needs are the source of personality tendencies and even the positivity of the entire personality. Only when driven by needs can personality be formed and developed. Motivations, interests, and beliefs are all manifestations of needs. The worldview belongs to the highest guiding position. It guides and restricts people's ideological tendencies and entire psychological outlook. It is the total driving force and total motivation of people's words and deeds. It can be seen that personality tendency is a dynamic system based on human needs and guided by worldview.
(2) Personality psychological characteristics? Refers to a unique combination of a person's various psychological characteristics. These include characteristics of the potential to complete a certain activity, that is, ability; dynamic characteristics of psychological activities, that is, temperament; characteristics of attitudes towards the real environment and completing activities, that is, personality. Personality psychological characteristics are the characteristic structures of the personality system.
(3) Self-awareness? Refers to one’s awareness of all physical and mental conditions that belong to oneself, including self-understanding, self-experience, self-monitoring, etc., such as self-esteem, self-confidence, etc. Self-awareness is the automatic adjustment structure of the personality system, and psychological processes are the basis for the generation of personality.
Characteristics of personality
Tendency of a personality
In the process of forming personality, individuals always and everywhere show their unique motivations, desires, and attitudes toward external things. and affinity, thus developing into their respective attitude systems and inner environments, forming an individual's unique behavior and personality tendencies toward people, things, and themselves.
The complexity of two personalities
Personality is composed of a variety of psychological phenomena. Some of these psychological phenomena are obvious. Others can see them clearly and they can also notice them clearly. For example, Enthusiastic, talkative, straightforward, quick-tempered, etc.; some of them are not only unclear to others, but also vague to yourself.
The uniqueness of the three genders
Everyone’s personality has its own uniqueness, even identical twins or even conjoined twins still have their own personality when they grow up. uniqueness.
Four Positivity of Personality
Personality is the structure of a dynamic tendency system, not a passive individual who is arbitrarily manipulated by the objective environment. Personality has positivity and initiative, and directs all psychological activities to transform the objective and subjective worlds.
Five Stability of Personality
From a performance perspective, once a person’s personality is formed, it is relatively stable.
Six Integrity of Personality
As mentioned before, personality is a complete unity. A person's various personality tendencies, psychological processes and personality psychological characteristics are organically combined on the basis of relatively consistent standards, and are by no means a random combination. Human beings understand and transform the world as a whole.
Seven developmental characteristics of personality
A baby does not form its own personality after birth. As it grows, its psychology continues to enrich, develop, and improve, and gradually forms its personality. Formally speaking, personality is not preformed but the product of psychological development.
Eight Social Characteristics of Personality
Personality is a conscious individual with a certain social status and a certain social role. Personality is the object of social relations, and at the same time it is the subject of certain social relations. Personality is a living person in a certain social relationship and the consciousness this person has. The social nature of personality is the most essential feature of personality.
From the perspective of the development of personality and the social nature of personality, the formation of personality depends on the individual's psychological development level on the one hand, and on the other hand it depends on certain social relationships in which the individual lives. The study of human personality must be based on the Marxist theory of human nature as the basis and starting point. Marx once pointed out: "Human essence is not an abstract object inherent in a single person. In fact, it is the sum of all social relations." ?Therefore, only by examining the decisive role of social factors in the formation of human personality in practice and in interactions between people can we understand personality scientifically.