Wang fuzhi's famous classic 1. The gentleman is the Tao, although there is no doubt, although he never follows, but he has been poor for a long time.
2. Asking for a husband is the so-called "I have heard of it, but I have seen it. I think I will succeed if I am here. The emperor has everything he wants, but he can't. He is just as poor and suspicious. I know he won't.
3. If the square sacrifice is respectful, it is disrespectful; Mourning is a time of mourning, and we must not mourn.
4. If you think that I am sad and sad, it is a last resort to mourn, but I am afraid that it will be silent and tears will not come from my heart.
5. those who take what is available in the world are proud of not taking it, which is similar to the sacred words.
6. The reason why people are different from birds is just ambition!
7. It is easy to learn, easy to do, and easy to know shame.
8. Where there is love, there is poetry; Where poetry goes, love goes.
9. Nothing in the world can rise and fall without thinking.
Selected articles of Wang Fuzhi's famous sayings 1. There is justice in selfish desires.
2. Those who talk about the world will follow the crowd.
Because of lax teaching, the teacher is lazy.
4. Example is more important than language.
5. You don't know the truth until you practice.
6. Without ministers, junior ministers will collapse; I am not loyal, but I am arrogant; Everything is inevitable.
7. If you can talk for a long time, you are proud of derogatory meaning, take leisure as your pleasure, and do whatever you want, lest you give it.
8. Therefore, when tyranny rises, gentlemen will try to compete with it; In the power struggle, what should be suppressed must be returned, and it cannot be generalized.
9. So tyranny is enough to be defeated, and it is not only the government, but also the villain. The harm is the spread caused by karma.
10. Tyranny is enough to make the country sick and abuse the people, but not enough to kill; Politics is harsh, but it is still politics.
1 1. What does my husband study for? Distinguish its meaning, treat others with self-cultivation, observe its whispers and make good use of its essence. Category: reading
13. Things have a beginning and an end. This must be the end, and the end must be the end.
14. Sweep it and deal with it. Tangible, must be tangible. Metaphysics also absorbs the essence. However, metaphysics is its inherent form.
15. At the beginning of self-study, things are small and big, and reasons are small and big; From top to bottom, it always makes sense to divide things into different sizes.
16. A gentleman does not deceive himself, but is sincere.
17. If you don't give up on this, you will be benevolent, that is, you will see everything.
18. If you are knowledgeable and ask questions carefully, you will understand what is reasonable.
19. Everything happens for a reason. This is because we can learn from the text.
20. Those who survive keep their own reasons, reasons for learning, searching, thinking and ambition.
Popular articles of Wang Fuzhi's famous sayings 1. If you are kind and generous, you won't really speak, and the world will be left behind; If you claim that there is no doubt in the Tao, you don't know what you know, and the teaching of heaven and earth moves forward and forgets it.
The geese never answered me, and the rivers, lakes and seas were flooded by rain.
3. Nature, the host.
4. The scenery of the scenery is the scenery of love, and the scenery of love is also.
5. Failure in promotion, bribing your ears and making friends with your ears.
6. Love can be reached, scenery can be born, and the body is a god.
7. Those who talk about the world will follow the crowd.
8. There is something to say, just like the letter from the jade on the mountain and the pearl on the jade garden, which is hard to get.
9. In addition to the overall situation, it will still relax; When you relax, you will still be open.
10. Kim's failure bribed his ears and made friends with them.
1 1. People who know should know what they say in secret, not just what they say.
12. Those who do have merits, but the merits don't have to be as expected; Those people who don't do nothing, but whose work has been shown to the world.
13. As a villain, you must do whatever you want.
14. Only when talents are used by themselves can they be bad, and they will hate their sexuality, while those who don't know their sexuality will blame their evil nature. All those who talk about their nature in ancient and modern times don't know that talents have their own origins, but they are based on talents.
15. When he learned from the master, years passed and his habits were ingrained and hard to change. Only when you are high can you learn from saints and not fall into evil.
16. There is an image in the sky. Spring is its spring, autumn is its autumn, people are their people, things are their things, and the rank is fixed. This is what it represents and can be said.
17. It's strange, but it's not strange. People who fight are just.
18. It's easier to learn than to do; It's easier to be ashamed than to know.
19. People who exist have their reasons, which are all obtained from learning, asking, thinking and ambition.
You don't know the truth until you practice.
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