Plato’s Twenty Aphorisms 01: Not knowing one’s ignorance is twice as ignorant. 02; True love will drive away crazy or nearly lustful things. 03; Only the kind of love that drives people to love each other in a noble way is beautiful and worthy of praise. 04; If a person does not know the truth and only relies on people's opinions, the articles he writes will appear ridiculous and not art. 05; It is always a beautiful thing to fall in love with a lover for the sake of morality. 06; True goodness is what everyone’s soul pursues and is the destination of all his actions. 07; The lover must at least have no deficiencies in the soul. If it is only deficient in the body, it is still lovely. 08; Love is the only thing that can make people dare to sacrifice their lives for the one they love. Not only men can do this, but women can do it too. 09; What determines a person's mood is not the environment, but his state of mind. 10; Beauty, good rhythm, and harmony are all due to the intelligence and kindness of the soul. 11; We should learn to regard the beauty of the soul as more precious than the beauty of the body. 12; Anything that is deceptive always plays a magical role in confusing people. 13; Love without dirty desires is true and noble love. 14; Rather than being uneducated and ignorant, ignorance is the root of misfortune. 15;Everyone in love is a poet. 16; Just as empty containers make the loudest noise, so those with the lowest intelligence are the best at nagging. 17; It is more shameful to create injustice than to suffer injustice. 18; Excessive pleasure can disturb the mind. 19; If the will is not pure, knowledge will be harmful. 20; There is nothing wrong with those who long for love, but those who insult the word love are wrong.