The original source of this sentence comes from: "Ancient and Modern Virtuous Essays Encouraging Learning" written by Han Yu in the Tang Dynasty
A dead tree will grow again when spring comes, and no one will be young again twice. Don't worry about being old and ineffective, just worry about young children not learning. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and the people of today are better than the people of the past. If you spend your years in vain, you will regret it when you are old. If you have ambitions, you will not grow taller in years; if you have no ambitions, you will live a hundred years in vain. If a young man does not work hard, the old man will be miserable. Study hard and make progress every day. Persistence will make steel become steel over time. Three hundred and sixty lines, and he will be the number one scholar. Ice is born from water and is colder than water; green comes from blue and is better than blue. When the book is used, I will regret it less. I will not know the difficulties until I have experienced them.
The body is afraid of not being able to move, and the brain is afraid of not being used. The more you use your hands, the smarter you become, and the more you use your brain, the smarter you become. Three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, half-hearted, accomplish nothing. A day of practice will lead to success; a day of non-practice will make you empty. The fist never leaves the hand, the song never leaves the mouth. If a knife is not sharpened, it will rust; if a person does not learn, he will fall behind. There are roads in the mountain of books, and diligence is the path, and there is no limit to the sea of ??learning, and hard work is the boat. The master leads you in, and you practice on your own. Practice makes perfect, and diligence makes perfect.
Once upon a time, it was difficult for the sea t