Confucius’ famous saying about the endless learning: If you don’t learn enough, you are afraid of losing it.
From The Analects of Confucius, which records the words, deeds and thoughts of Confucius and his disciples. Not as good as: unable to catch up. Yu: Still. The meaning of this sentence is: Learning is like chasing something, for fear that you will never catch up. Even if you learn a little knowledge, you still worry about losing it.
Knowledge is acquired through hard work over a long period of time. It is not possible to acquire extensive knowledge by studying overnight. This sentence is what Confucius taught people to know that there is no end to learning. Encourage people to master knowledge, not to be self-satisfied, to go all out on the road of seeking knowledge, to work hard and forget to eat, not to slack off at all, and to persevere, so that they will gain something.
Only by repeatedly consolidating the knowledge learned, reviewing the past and learning new things, can we make continuous progress. On the contrary, being proud and complacent, thinking that you know everything and can do everything, will result in stagnation and learning nothing.
The introduction of Confucius is as follows:
Confucius (September 28, 551 BC - April 11, 479 BC), surnamed Kong, given name Qiu, courtesy name Zhongni, whose ancestral home is Xiayi County, Song Dynasty (now Xiayi County, Shangqiu City, Henan Province), was born in Zouyi, Lu State (now Qufu City, Shandong Province) during the Spring and Autumn Period. A famous great thinker, educator and politician in China. Confucius created the culture of private lectures and was the founder of Confucianism.
Confucius once studied under Laozi and led some of his disciples to travel around the world for fourteen years. In his later years, he revised the Six Classics, namely "Poetry", "Book", "Ritual", "Music", "Yi" and "Spring and Autumn". According to legend, he had three thousand disciples, including seventy-two sages. After Confucius's death, his disciples and his subsequent disciples recorded the words, deeds, quotes and thoughts of Confucius and his disciples, and compiled them into the Confucian classic "The Analects of Confucius".
Confucius was revered as the "Sage of Heaven" and the "Muduo of Heaven" in ancient times. He was one of the most erudite scholars in the society at that time, and was respected as the Saint of Confucius and the Holy Saint by the rulers of later generations. , the most holy teacher, the most holy teacher of Dacheng Wenxuan Wang, the teacher of all generations. His Confucianism has a profound influence on China and the world. Confucius is listed as the first among the "Top Ten Cultural Celebrities in the World".