Just recently when I was playing COD6 COD6, there was a famous saying. I was too lazy to count and found some for you on the Internet... Some of them were anti-war...
"Nationalism is a childhood disease, the measles of mankind." - Albert Einstein
"If our country is worth dying for in times of war, so is it in times of peace. To live well for it. "--Hamilton Fish
"To be an outstanding patriot, you must become an enemy of the people of other countries. What a tragedy!"--Voltaire< /p>
"Principles are fine under normal circumstances, but they mean nothing when you lose." - Dick Cheney
"I love America more than the world any country, and, precisely for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her for life." - James Baldwin (a very classic sentence!)
Relative to the end of the war. , we would rather hope that all the wars never broke out.
——Franklin D. Roosevelt
In war, the first thing to be killed is truth. ——Aeschylus, Greek tragedy writer
Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no conscience; whoever wants to return to the Soviet era has no brains.
——Vladimir Putin
My first wish is to see the plague of humanity - war - disappear from the face of the earth
< p>——The first president of the United States, George WashingtonPeople have life and death, and countries rise and fall, but the spirit can last forever. - John F. Kennedy
"Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country." - John F. Kennedy
" A nation is defined not only by the people it nurtures, but also by the people it honors and the people it remembers." - John F. Kennedy
Mankind must end war, or war will end. will end humanity.
-John F. Kennedy
Real patriots only talk about dying for their country, not about killing for their country.
——Bertrand Russell
I don’t know what weapons people used in the third SHIJIE battle, but I know they will use stones and sticks in the fourth time.
——Albert Einstein
War will never end as long as mankind exists.
-Albert Einstein
"...A love of dissent, a love of rebellion, and a fear of chaos is the definition of a patriot." - Barbara Einstein Lunreich (You are talking about fenqing!)
"Patriotism is the belief that your country is superior to any other country because you were born here." - George Bernard ·Shaw
"A person's foundation must be established in his motherland, but his eyes should look at the whole world." - George Santayana
"The country is divided into Two halves, half patriot, half traitor, but no one can tell which is which." - Mark Twain
"I will fight for my country, but I won't. Will cheat for her." - Zora Neale Hurston
"Patriotism is always supporting your country and supporting political corruption when it deserves your support. " - Mark Twain
"My only regret is that I have but one life to devote to my country." - Nathan Hale
"There are many kinds of patriotism. , there are noble loyalties, and there are moral lunatics." - W.R. Inge
"If you are ashamed of the color of your skin, you'd better find another flag." - Anonymous