A gentleman is content with poverty, but a wise man knows his destiny? This sentence means: A person with an upright attitude will be content with poverty, and a person with a clear mind will know what his destiny is in life. This sentence was written by Wang Bo in "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion", and it is a very important sentence in "Preface to Prince Teng's Pavilion". This can also be regarded as Wang Bo's own life quote, which has very profound significance.
?A gentleman is in poverty? In this sentence, a gentleman refers to those people with a decent style. An is peace of mind, and poverty is poverty. Many people misunderstand poverty. Poverty means poverty. There is not much money. It must not be confused with poverty. Poverty means endless. Therefore, poverty means poverty and the situation of poverty seems to have no end.
However, a gentleman's poverty in poverty is not endless. People with a decent style will be content with poverty because they know that this kind of poverty will eventually pass away. People with a decent style know that God It will give them a better life, because they deserve a better life, so they will live in poverty with peace of mind instead of living restlessly.
The master in "The Master Knows the Fate" is a person who is clear-minded and open-minded. Knowing the fate means knowing the truth and destiny of life. Some people may easily understand fate knowledge as knowing destiny. In fact, it is not the case. Fortune teller in Master Zhi Ming does not see a person’s fixed destiny like a fortune teller, but sees that different people make different choices and have different lives waiting for them. of.
Open-minded people will have a positive and optimistic attitude towards life, so they know that different choices will lead to different life experiences. This is the reason why good will be rewarded with good and evil will be rewarded with evil. People who make good choices will reap a good life, while people who make evil choices will also reap the evil consequences they have sown. This is "adult knowing one's destiny".