The tiger is known as the king of the forest and kills other animals every day, so small animals are afraid of it. One day, it met a fox. Just as the fox was about to slip away, it was caught by it. Seeing that he could not escape, the cunning fox thought of a trick and said: "I am sent by the Emperor of Heaven to manage all wild beasts. If you want to eat me, you are disobeying the Emperor of Heaven's order." The tiger was stunned when he heard this, and the fox immediately Then he said: "If you don't believe it, just follow me in the forest and see if all the beasts run away for their lives when they see me." The tiger listened to the fox's words in a loud tone and had a tough attitude. I somewhat believed it and decided to follow the fox to have a look. All the wild beasts in the forest, big and small, were frightened to death when they saw the fox swaggering forward, followed by a big tiger with its teeth and claws. Elephants, monkeys, sika deer, white rabbits, all animals big and small were scared and ran away in all directions. Seeing this situation, the tiger completely believed what the fox said. It was afraid that the fox would blame itself and do something detrimental to itself, so it ran away in a hurry. The poor tiger had no idea that the beasts were not scared away by the fox's majesty, but by himself.
Children, the story "Fox fakes tiger's power" tells us: Sometimes enemies are as cunning as foxes and use the power of tigers to scare people, but in fact they are not really powerful. We must not be fooled!