Henry Ford Quotes The hospital bed is mankind’s greatest school. A well-educated person should know a little bit about everything and be proficient in one thing. ?
Original text: A?well-educated?man?should?know?something?of?everything?and?everything?of?something. Education is not something that prepares you for life, it is something that you An uninterrupted part of life. ?
Original text: Education?is?not?something?to?prepare?you?for?life;?it?is?a?continuous?part?of?life. If I had asked customers back then, they Want something, they would definitely tell me: "a faster horse". Any customer can choose any car color he or she likes, as long as it is black. ?
Original text: Any?customer?can?have?a?car?painted?any?color?that?he?wants,?so?long?as?it?is?black.Industrialists must Rules to abide by: ? Improve quality as much as possible, ? Reduce costs as much as possible, ? Increase salary as much as possible. ?
Original text: There?is?one?rule?for?the?industrialist?and?that?is:?Make?the?best?quality?of?goods?possible?at?the?lowest ?cost?possible,?paying?the?highest?wages?possible. Workers only need to bring their hands to work for me, not their brains. ?
Original text: Why?is?it?every?time?I?ask?for?a?pair?of?hands,?they?come?with?a?brain?attached?The secret of success , lies in putting one's feet into other people's shoes, and then considering things from other people's perspective. Service is such a spirit, seeing the whole world from the customer's perspective. As long as anyone does something useful, there will always be some reward. This reward is experience, which is the most valuable thing in the world and something that cannot be taken away. History is more or less nonsense. The only history worthy of a tinker's approval is the history we make today. An industrial system that cannot improve people's welfare is a failure! What benefits would such a failed industrial system have to society? Everything in the United States—the land, the people, the government, and the businesses—are simply ways people have chosen to make their own existence more meaningful. The government can only serve as a servant of the people and has no other choice. If the people become the appendage of the government, the law of revenge comes into play - because this is an immoral, unnatural, and anti-human relationship. Whether it is business or government, they are necessary for our lives. They are needed as servants, as indispensable as water and rice. However, once they become masters, the laws of nature are destroyed