2. There must be a reason for a fire, and fireworks must be equipped.
3. Only those who are wise and wise will be able to learn from each other will achieve great success.
4. Therefore, those who kill the enemy are angry; He who takes advantage of the enemy gets the goods.
5. Water is far from water; Guests come from the water, don't welcome them in the water, so that they can strike them half-heartedly. Those who want to fight welcome guests without being attached to water; Depending on the height of life, there is no water flow, and the army on the water is also here. Never reject ze, but go without staying; If you hand over troops to repel Ze, you must rely on aquatic plants and carry many trees. Here, the troops who repel Ze are also. Pinglu is easy, but the right back is high, born before and after death, and the army of Pinglu is also here. Where the benefits of these four armies, the Yellow Emperor is better than the four emperors.
6. Those who are good at observing hide under nine places; Those who are good at attacking move on for nine days.