1, The Analects of Confucius: Confucius said: "A gentleman does not have enough to eat and is restless. He is sensitive to things and speaks carefully. "
2. The Analects of Confucius: Confucius said, "A gentleman speaks slowly but moves quickly."
1, Confucius said: "A gentleman, who is not worried about not having enough to eat or being uncomfortable, is diligent and quick in doing things, but cautious in speaking. It can be said that he is eager to learn to find someone who can correct himself."
2. Confucius said, "A gentleman is cautious in words, but quick in deeds."
Diligent study, good thinking and quick action are the essence of the Analects summarized by later generations.
Diligent in learning, good at thinking and quick in action means: diligent in learning, good at thinking and putting what you have learned into practice.
Extended data:
Diligent in study. As the saying goes, "learning makes people progress". With the accelerated pace of economic and social development, new situations and problems are constantly emerging in the work, and sudden difficulties and challenges are increasing. We need to constantly improve our ability to study and solve new contradictions and problems through study. As a young staff member, we should especially strengthen our study and arm our minds with scientific theories.
Further enhance the ability to adapt to their own work. Taking the opportunity of establishing a learning organization, all employees should establish the concept of lifelong learning, regard learning as a responsibility, a pursuit and a pleasure, persist in learning by doing, integrate Scientific Outlook on Development into the whole process of learning, be good at solving doubts and difficulties in learning and work, and combine theoretical learning with practical work.
Turn the results of learning into the ability to analyze and solve problems, into ideas and methods to promote work, and into a new driving force to continuously promote development. One kind of motivation is the comprehensive application of the learned knowledge, how to apply the learned knowledge to practice, how to be good at thinking at work, and how to change passive work into active work, that is, to be good at thinking.
Learning like swallowing dates often leads to "knowing why, not knowing why". We should be good at combining serious study with diligent thinking, so as to grasp the ins and outs of events, and then innovate the way of thinking, think twice before you act, find out the correct working methods and priorities, and lay a good foundation for solving practical problems. Do things quickly. Unity of knowing and doing is the ultimate destination of learning and thinking.
What you hear is better than what you see, and what you see is better than what you practice. If many things just stay at the level of thinking, it is just a fantasy. Although action may fail and there will be risks, there will be no success without action. Without risks and failures, people will accomplish nothing if they are afraid of difficulties. Only practice can produce true knowledge, and only practice can test the correctness of truth and learning results.
As government officials, they should take the initiative, go deep into the front line, actively participate in grassroots reform and innovation, truly apply what they have learned to practical work, and help the masses solve practical difficulties. Diligent in learning, good at thinking, brave in practice, and starting from everything around you, so as to apply what you have learned, can we truly realize: "change the style of work, improve efficiency, perform duties and serve the people."