There is a filial daughter-in-law in Donghai. The boy became a widow and her son died. She takes care of her mother-in-law diligently. Her mother-in-law wanted her to get engaged again, but she refused. Mother-in-law said to her neighbor, "Daughter-in-law
It is not easy to support me. I sympathize with her death, her children and her husband. I am old and tired of her for a long time. What should I do? After her mother-in-law committed suicide, her daughter reported to the authorities that "this daughter-in-law killed my mother". The government arrested the "filial wife", who argued that she didn't kill her mother-in-law. After the official inspection, the daughter-in-law framed herself and confessed. "(Yugong) handed over the prison equipment to the government. Yugong thought that this daughter-in-law had raised her mother-in-law for more than ten years, which was a famous filial piety. She would never kill her mother-in-law The satrap refused to listen, and the foolish old man argued with him, unable to argue. Yugong cried in class with his "prison equipment", saying that he was ill and resigned. The satrap even said that his daughter-in-law was guilty and killed "filial wife". This county suffered from drought for three years in a row. What is the reason for divination after the satrap arrives? Yu Gong said, "The dutiful wife didn't deserve to die, but the former satrap killed her by force. Isn't that why? "So the prefect killed a cow and went to honor his wife's grave, because it showed his grave, and it immediately rained heavily.