The way of the teacher is loyalty and forgiveness.
The classical Chinese text "The Master's Way is Loyalty and Forgiveness" is selected from "The Analects"
Original text:
Confucius said: "Shenhu, my way is consistent." Zengzi said, "Only." When the disciple came out, a disciple asked, "What do you mean?" Zengzi said, "Master's way is only loyalty and forgiveness."
Confucius said: "Shen, what I preach is based on a basic idea." Zengzi said: "Yes." After Confucius went out, his classmates asked Zengzi: "What does this mean?" ?” Zengzi said: “The way of a teacher is to be loyal and forgiving.”
The way of loyalty and forgiveness is an important part of Confucius’ thought. Loyalty and forgiveness are the basic requirements of benevolence. ,WWw.sLkJ.orG runs through all aspects of Confucius’ thought. In this chapter, Confucius only said that his Tao has a consistent basic idea, and did not explain specifically what loyalty and forgiveness are. He answered this question in the following chapters. We will analyze this further.