(1) The teacher asked: "Is it a person who can't wrap fire in paper?" Cloud: "I dare not." Shi Yun: "What's wrong with paper clothes?" The Taoist said, "It only takes one autumn to hang yourself, and all the methods are known." Shi Yun: "How to use paper clothes?" Road flyover approached and agreed, and immediately took off. Shi Yun said, "Why don't you solve the problem?" The Taoist suddenly opened his eyes and asked the cloud, "One spirit is true. What if you don't borrow the uterus?" Shi Yun: "It's not wonderful at all." Taoism says, "What is wonderful?" Shi Yun: "Don't borrow." Road flyovers cherish and are convenient. The teacher praised the cloud: "You must know your relatives if you are aware of your nature. It is convenient to think differently, but the heart is not adjacent to the road. Love goes a thousand miles, and it's true if it's lost. If you know everything in the sentence, you will know that there was nothing in the past. "
Personal quotations
(2) The doctor asked Nanquan what his surname was. Nanquan Wang Yunxing, ■ Wang Yun has no family? Minister Yunsi of Nanquan must know, where is Yunwang? Yu Yun Temple in Nanquan is covered with moss. Ask the teacher: "What is the business purpose of Jade Temple moss?" Shi Yun: "The position is wrong." The monk asked, "How about coming from all directions?" Shi Yun: "He won't receive it." The monk said, "What is it for?" Shi Yun: "Offenders will be beheaded." The monk said, "This is against the duties of ministers. What do you think without judging your opinion? " Shi Yun: "The secret of parliament is not intentional." The monk said, "What is the reason? All the merits of reason belong to the minister? " Shi Yun: "Do you still know your wish?" The monk said, "I dare not talk about quantity outside the party." Shi Yun: "If it is."
(3) The monk asked, "How about a bladeless sword?" Shi Yun: "This is not tempering." The monk said, "What about the users?" Shi Yun: "Everyone is lost." The monk asked, "What about people who don't meet?" Shi Yun: "You must also lower your head." The monk said, "If everything is lost, it will be solid. Why aren't those? " Shi Yun: "If you don't see the Tao, you can do anything." The monk asked, "What about after that?" Shi Yun: "I didn't know this sword existed."
(4) The monk asked Xiang Yan, "What is Tao?" Xiang Yanyun: "Dragons sing on dead wood." The monk asked, "How to be a Taoist?" Xiang yanyun: "the eyes in the skull." The monk refused to accept it, but asked Shi Shuang (the fourth generation of Qingyuan Zen master), "How can dragons sing in the dead wood?" Shi Shuang said: "I am still happy." The monk said, "What about the eyes in the skull?" Shi Shuang said, "I still have knowledge." He didn't receive it, but asked the teacher, "How can dragons sing in the dead forest?" Shi Yun: "The blood keeps flowing." The monk said, "What about the eyes in the skull?" Shi Yun: "It's endless." The monk asked, "Has anyone heard of it before the trial?" Shi Yun: "There is no one in the world who can't smell it." The monk asked, "What is the saying that there is a dragon in the dead wood?" Shi Yun: "I don't know what that sentence is, and everyone who hears it is very lost." Then the cloud said, "The dead wood dragon really sees the Tao, but the skeleton has no knowledge, and the eyes are dawning; When you are happy, the news is exhausted, and people are confused. "
well-known saying
(5) The monk asked, "Scholars are all sick, please ask the teacher." Shi Yun: "There is no doctor." The monk said, "Why not treat it?" Shi Yun: "I teach you not to live, but don't beg for death."
(6) One day, the teacher went to the monk's hall to light a fire, and a monk said, "It's so cold today." Shi Yun: "You know, there are still lukewarm people." The monk asked, "Who is Han?" Teachers' policies are displayed with fire. The monk said, "If you don't talk, no one will be good." The teacher put out the fire. The monk said, "A man can't come here." Shi Yun: "Rizhao Hantan Ming Dynasty."
(7) The monk asked, "If the mind becomes a Buddha, don't ask. How can it be right or wrong? " Shi Yun: "You don't need rabbit horns. You don't need horns."
(8) Q: "How can we always be at the bottom?" Shi Yun: "I happened to meet Cao Shan temporarily." Yun: "How can you be a person who is often absent?" Shi Yun: "Rare."