The first promotion series is a series of popular science books published by Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House, which is suitable for interested teenagers to read. This series of books are all translated from foreign popular science works, and four series have been published.
The first album includes:
A Brief History of Time —— From the Big Bang to the Black Hole (Stephen Hawking)
A Brief History of Time (Stephen Hawking)
Hawking Lecture-Black holes, baby universes and others (Stephen Hawking)
Ode to Cell Life —— Notes of a Biological Observer (L Thomas)
Terrible Symmetry —— Exploration of Modern Physical Beauty (A Hot Spot)
The Emperor's New Brain —— Computer, Human Brain and Laws of Physics (roger penrose)
The Arrow of Time —— A scientific journey to uncover the biggest secret of time (Peter Coveney)
God and New Physics (paul davis)
Ghosts in the atom (P.C.W Davis, J. Brown)
***9 copies.
The second series includes:
The Nature of Time and Space (Stephen Hawking)
Black holes and time warp-Einstein's ghost (Kip S Thorne)
One billion suns-the birth, evolution and decline of stars (Rudolph Basic Han)
Shakespeare, Newton and Beethoven —— Different creative modes (S. Chandraseka)
Mathematics: the loss of certainty (M. Klein)
Quarks and leopards-simple and complex adventures (M. gherman)
Amazing hypothesis-scientific exploration of the soul (F. Crick)
Why Are We Sick —— A New Science of Darwinian Medicine
Jellyfish and Snails —— Notes of a Biological Observer (L Thomas)
***9 copies.
The third series includes:
The strings of the universe (
Time, space and everything (B·K· ridley)
What is life (Erwin Schr?dinger)
The dream of the ultimate theory (S. Weinberg)
From antiparticles to the final law (Richard Phillips Feynman), the universe is home (S Kaufman)
The next fifty years (J. Blocman)
Exploring new fields of science (S. Kaufman)
The Power of Wisdom (John Lienhard) ***9 books.
The fourth series has published eight books:
60 years in the shell (S.W. Hawking et al. ) and The Future of Time and Space (S.W. Hawking et al. )
The frontier of physical astronomy (Huo Yier, etc. )
Four-dimensional travel (R.L. Boydevin)
The engine of logic (Martin Davis)
The New Quantum World (Anthony Patrick Walters)
The discovery of subatomic particles (Stephen Weinberg)
A new vision of the universe (C.C. Peterson, J.C. Brandt)