The first sequence is a network animation jointly produced by Tencent Animation and undertaken by Junyixin (Beijing) Culture Media Co., Ltd., directed by Bin, produced by Zhang and Li Xiaoting, and voiced by Shang Qing, Deng Youxi, Li Shimeng, Shen Nianru, Xianghaihe, Hett, Tang Shuiyu, Beiyan, Tongyin. The First Sequence is scheduled for July, 2023 19, with a total of 16 episodes, and will be broadcast exclusively by BLICK-0/2: 00 every Wednesday.
The first sequence is adapted from the online novel of the same name of the original Talking Elbow. The story happened more than 200 years after the ending of I am a Big Player. It tells the story that the protagonist Ren rose step by step by absorbing positive energy and gradually changed the world.
Introduction to the first sequence
Because of the nuclear winter, mankind is no longer the master of the world here, species variation, lack of living resources, facing the unpredictable future and environment, crises break out one after another. Humans built barriers to protect themselves, but many people did not enter the barriers to live and hunt in the wilderness for a living.
The protagonist Ren and his younger brother Yan Liuyuan are one of them. The two brothers, who are not related by blood but live together, grow up with tenacious willpower, and the coincidence awakens their superpowers. In order to make a living and protect his family, Ren left the market town where he lived and came to Jingshan. He was attacked by wolves, face worms and mutant creatures all the way, awakening his super powers. Can Ren Xiao Su escape the crisis?