The original text
Qi Huangong set up a court
Liu Xiang
Qi Huangong set up a court, which was the desire of the scholars, but the scholars did not come. Therefore, I in Dongye have sought audience with the technique of "99".
Huan Gong said, "How can you see' 99'?" I said to him, "I don't think' 99' is enough. I heard that the Lord set up a court to wait for the scholars, and the scholars did not arrive. The reason why a gentleman doesn't come: you are a wise gentleman in the world, and people in all directions are not as good as you, so you don't come. The husband's' 99' is thin, but the gentleman is still polite. Is Kuang Xian better than' 99'? Mt. Futaishan spared no pains to borrow earth and rocks, and rivers and seas did not run counter to small flows, so it became a big one. As the poem goes:' The ancients had words, and they asked for them in Kuai Kuai', and their words were rich and resourceful. "
Huan Gong said, "Good!" Because of the ceremony. During the month, people from all directions came together.
Duke Huan, the monarch of the State of Qi, set up a courtyard with torches as an audience for the bachelor who wanted to see him, but no bachelor came all year. In this case, there is a layman in the eastern suburbs who wants to ask for an audience with his "99" arithmetic skills.
Huan Gong said, "How can' 99' qualify for an audience?" The laity replied, "I don't think' 99' is enough to meet (you). I heard that the king set up a courtyard with torches to wait for the bachelor, but no bachelor came all year. The reason why the bachelor didn't come: King, you are a virtuous person in the world. Kings and bachelors from all over the world are conscious that their opinions are not as good as yours, so they don't come. 99' is a simple skill, and you still treat people with this ability, not to mention those who have more profound knowledge than 99'? Taishan does not refuse soil and stones, and rivers and seas do not refuse small currents, so it can be very large. There is a poem that says:' The sages (so) have famous sayings, and they ask the woodcutter', which means asking for advice extensively. "
Huan Gong said, "Gao!" So I treated him politely. A month later, the bachelors from all directions came together.