Lord Ye asked Lutz what kind of Confucius was, but Lutz didn't answer. Confucius (to Luz) said, "Why don't you say that he (Confucius) was so angry that he forgot to eat and was so happy that he forgot all his troubles and didn't even know that he was old. What a good answer! "
Nowadays, most of the education is dominated by mediocre fools, who are just filling in the blanks. Take out one or two classics and let the students talk about the feeling, meaning, truth and philosophy of N+. It seems that a classic can cure all diseases like a panacea, and countless beneficial ingredients can be squeezed out at will. The classic interpretation is actually very simple and understandable. There is no need to package them with so-called "philosophy" and other "sublime" words. Classics can become classics because they are directed at people's hearts. In most cases, they are things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed, but they are deeply rooted in people's minds. Too much deliberate interpretation will make people sick. Just as parents love their children and children love their parents, it is natural. If we insist on finding many reasons and philosophical arguments for this, it will only make people feel ridiculous.
In fact, this sentence of Confucius simply expresses a meaning, that is, he has been very studious all his life. In fact, if we understand Confucius' life, we will find that he is a very real person, without the hypocrisy of later Confucianism, so all his words and theories are his own, and there is no groundless talk. It can be said that learning runs through Confucius' life. It is precisely because of this that he has been respected as a teacher for generations. He not only teaches students with words, but also teaches them with examples. First of all, as a student, he has been studying and making progress all his life. So his enthusiastic thirst for knowledge has been affecting his students, which can't be done by any words.