Excerpts from the famous lines of "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" are as follows:
1. However, before everyone could raise their voices and their hearts returned to their original places, they only heard a deafening loud noise. It cut through the silent night sky, like the roar of high-pressure water jets.
2. The light is projected on the quiet seabed, as if it is light that has been analyzed by twists and turns through the spectrum, and the colors are colorful and beautiful.
3. I hope all hatred will subside in this stubborn heart.
4. May God prevent my companions and me from being buried in a different grave.
5. The boat moved forward at a certain speed, and the water droplets fell into the dark water waves and hissed like liquid scattered by molten lead. A small wave rushed from the sea, causing the boat to bump slightly, and some waves splashed in front of it.
6. At six o'clock, the sky suddenly dawns. Day and night come quickly. This is a unique situation in tropical areas. In these areas, there is no morning warmth and dusk. The sun's rays passed through the clouds piled on the eastern horizon, and the brilliant red sun soon rose.
7. The two shells of the so-called mother-of-pearl are almost equal, the shell is circular, the shell wall is very thick, and the surface is very rough and uneven. Some mother-of-pearl shells have light cyan lines on them, and the ends of the lines are a little shiny.
8. It is the Nile petrel, which is a specialty of Egypt. It has a black bill, a gray-black head with spots, and white dots around the eyes. The back, wings and tail are gray-black, and the belly and chest are gray-black. The neck is white and the paws are red.
9. It was a finned whale with a blue-black back, a silver armor on its belly, and a golden shimmer on the lines on its back. This kind of fish is famous for following the ship. Under the hot tropical sky, they found the cool shadow of the ship to hide. Sure enough, it was like this. They accompanied the Nautilus just like they once accompanied the Rabbi Road. Same as Sri Lanka's ships.
10. Admire a beautiful orange-yellow lip-shaped water quenching. These things are hooked on the glass of the port side panel of the ship. It is a very long and very thin ribbon, growing endless branches and leaves. , the ends are the most exquisite lace.