Christianity says that the emperor made it himself, and we have a saying that the grass farmers personally made fine bamboo branches in the skeleton bamboo garden, covered with yellow straw and broken bamboo baskets, and the rest of the lotus leaves made hats; Hat, face, flat plate, clear nose, eyes, hands without fingers, but holding a broken fan-in fact, it can be regarded as holding a fan handle and hanging a hand with a thread. The agricultural part of the sole of the skeleton was stuck in the soil in the field all night.
Straw is not conscientious, compare cows to cows, lie lazily and look up, compare dogs to dogs, run around naughty places, want to get bored, and lie like cows; Playing like a dog, running around quietly watching the hand fan gently shake away some flying birds in the field, eating new ears of rice, eating, sleeping, sitting and resting, Ken always stands straight.
The scenery in the field at night clearly knows that the dew sprinkled on the grass leaves tastes sweet; Know that the stars blink and the moon smiles; Know that the fields are quiet at night and the flowers and trees are sleeping soundly; Knowing that insects are looking for me, I am looking for butterfly love: I always know clearly at night.