Cow (cow)
Horse (horse)
Leopard cat (jackal cat)
Pig (pig)
Sheep (sheep)
Rabbit (rabbit)
Bat (bat)
Mushrooms (Lentinus edodes)
Squid (squid)
Villagers (villagers)
Cave spider (cave spider)
Endemann (The Last Filmmaker)
Spider (spider)
Wolf (wolf)
Zombie pig man (zombie pig man)
Flame (fire man)
Evil soul
Magma Cube (Magma Monster)
Whitebait (moth)
Skeleton (Skeleton Shooter)
Mucus (mucus)
spider riders
Witch (witch)
Withered skeleton (withered skeleton)
Zombies (Zombies)
The last shadow mite
Zombie villagers (zombie villagers)
Guardian (guardian)
Guardian of the aged (ancient guardian)
Chicken jockey (chicken knight)
Snow Dummy (Snow Doll) *
Iron dummy (iron puppet) *
Andron (The Last Shadow Dragon)
Wither *
(* Not naturally generated)
The command box generates the following:
Giants (giants; Giant zombie)
Undead horse (zombie horse)
Skeleton horse