A gentleman and a gentleman are friends of the same way; a villain and a villain are friends of the same interests.
52. Covering your own eyes does not mean that the world is dark; covering other people's eyes does not mean that the light belongs to you.
53. The easiest place to fall is not the mountains but the flat ground. People who fall into a deep valley can only find the exit by going up.
54. Visit friends who are in crisis more often than those who are popular.
55. Brothers are not necessarily friends, but friends are often brothers.
56. Don’t take other people’s goodness for granted. Be grateful.
57. People who become friends with you because they are profitable will also break up with you because they are not profitable.
58. The most beautiful thing in the world is to have a few serious friends with upright minds and hearts.
59. Sometimes you have to ask questions knowingly: Is your diamond ring expensive? Sometimes, you can’t ask even if you want to, such as: How old are you?
60. Doing it for others or for yourself is a sketch of the inner world that a person hangs under his own name.
61. Seeing others as domineering is actually because you are afraid of authority.
62. Useful chat users are noble, enriched and energetic, while vulgar chat users are low-minded, empty and depressed.
63. Of course, you have to like yourself. But you must not be narcissistic, Sanxia Online reminds you.