Fan Zhongyan "worries first and then rejoices"
During the Song Dynasty, there was a very noble politician named Fan Zhongyan. He had great ambitions since childhood, hoping to be a prime minister who could govern the country and bring peace to the people in the future. Contribute to the country; or be a doctor, treat diseases and save lives for the people. He said to people: "As long as it can benefit the people and benefit the country, I am willing to do it." Later, Fan Zhongyan became an official, and he really became one. Prime Minister for a period of time. He was an upright and upright official. One year, he went to Taizhou to work as a minor official in charge of the salt warehouse. When he saw the seawater flooding ashore and the people suffering, he proposed to build a sea wall and personally participated in it. Transporting soil and ramming soil. Unexpectedly, his mother passed away, and he went home to mourn as required. But while he was at home, his heart was with the sea dike, so he kept writing letters to help with ideas. The sea dike was built, and the local people were grateful to him and called the dike Fan Gongdi. .
A few years later, Fan Zhongyan came to the capital as an official. He criticized things that were wrong and presided over reforms. As a result, he offended people and was demoted several times and pushed out of the capital. But he never cared about it. Personal gains and losses, no matter what position he held, he made achievements. In his life, he used his property to build many charity villages, charity fields, and charity homes to relieve the poor. He also opened some schools that did not accept money, so that those who had no money could The children of poor people go to school, but his own children don’t even have any decent clothes. Some people don’t understand why he is like this. He wrote an article called "Yueyang Tower" and answered it, saying that he wanted to "be the first in the world." Worry before others, and enjoy after the world is happy."
This means that a person who loves the country and the people must be willing to endure hardship before others and enjoy before others. Fan Zhongyan's thought of "worry first and enjoy later" , is the precious spiritual wealth of our nation.
Yuan Longping, the father of hybrid rice
Rice is the main food of the Chinese people. However, for a long time, the rice yield has been low and the population is so large. Farmers have been cultivating rice for many years. Still cannot meet the need for "eating". Low grain output is a big obstacle to my country's economic development. Yuan Longping, an agricultural science and technology worker, is determined to tackle key problems for the country and solve this problem.
Yuan Longping is from a town in Hunan Although the working conditions of the agricultural school are poor, he devotes himself to scientific research. In addition to teaching every day, he cultivates high-yielding varieties in the experimental fields. In the experiment, he found that natural hybrid rice has large ears, full grains, and high yields, but the second If he planted it again every year, it would deteriorate and lose its advantage. He wanted to conduct an experiment to cultivate hybrid rice seeds that could maintain high yields. For this ideal, Yuan Longping spent no idea how much energy he spent. Sometimes he would observe in the experimental fields, and the Lian family I can't wait to look back. After 10 years of hard work, this hybrid rice was finally successfully cultivated, with a yield per mu of more than 1,000 kilograms. After being promoted nationwide, my country's rice production has increased by more than 100 billion kilograms in a few years. What a leap. !Yuan Longping won the country's first special invention award, and the United States and other countries also introduced his results. He is known as the father of "hybrid rice" and played a turnaround in changing the backward state of my country's food production.
Serve the Country with Loyalty
More than 800 years ago, a little boy was born to a farmer in Yuejiazhuang, Tangyin County, Henan Province. His parents were wondering what to name the child. What? At this moment, a group of wild geese passed by the sky, and the parents said happily: "Okay, let's call him Yue Fei." I hope my son can fly high and far like these wild geese. "The name was decided.
Not long after Yue Fei was born, the Yellow River burst, and the rolling Yellow River flooded the Yue family into poverty. Life was very difficult. Although Yue Fei grew up in a poor family and had not enough to eat, he was influenced by his mother He was a strict teacher, stubborn and upright.
Once, some of Yue Fei's sworn brothers wanted to block the road and rob him because they had no food to eat. They came to ask Yue Fei for a date, thinking of his mother's usual teachings, but he didn't agree. , and advised them: "You must not do things like blocking roads and robbing people, seeking money or killing people!" The brothers tried again and again to persuade Yue Fei, but Yue Fei was not moved when his mother-in-law came back from outside. Yue Fei told her everything about the situation. , his mother said happily: "My child, you did the right thing. People are poor but have ambitions. We can't do those things that are harmful to nature!"
When Yue Fei was fifteen or sixteen, the Jin people from the north invaded the south, and the Song Dynasty Those in power were corrupt and incompetent, and were retreating steadily. The country was at a critical moment of life and death. One day, his mother-in-law called Yue Fei and said, "Now that the country is facing a national crisis, what are your plans?"
"Go to the front line to fight the enemy." , Serve the country with loyalty and loyalty!"
My mother-in-law was very satisfied after hearing her son's answer. "Serve the country with loyalty and loyalty" is exactly what the mother hopes for her son.
She decided to tattoo these four words on her son's back so that he would always remember this oath. Yue Fei unbuttoned his shirt and asked his mother to do the needlework. Mother-in-law asked: "Are you afraid of pain?" Yue Fei said: "A small steel needle is nothing. If you are afraid of needles, how can you go to the front line to fight!" Mother-in-law first wrote on Yue Fei's back, and then pricked it with an embroidery needle. stand up. After the tattoo was done, the mother-in-law applied vinegar ink. From then on, the four words "Serve the Country with Loyalty" have remained on Yue Fei's back forever.
Later, Yue Fei took "Serve the Country with Loyalty" as his motto, rushed to the front line, killed the enemy bravely, made great military exploits, and became a famous anti-golden general.
As he said in his poem: He is so angry that he leans on the railing, and the misty rain stops. Looking up, looking up to the sky and roaring, with strong feelings. Thirty years of fame and dust, eight thousand miles of clouds and moon. Don't wait for a while, the young man's head will turn gray, and the sorrow will be empty! The shame of Jingkang is still not over. When will the hatred of the ministers be extinguished? A long chariot will trample through the Helan Mountains! The soldiers are hungry and eat the meat of Huns, and they laugh and talk about drinking the blood of Huns. Let’s start from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and face the sky!