Mencius said, "Shun was born in an acre of land, raised in a building, glued in fish and salt, Guan Yiwu raised in a scholar, Sun Shuai raised in the sea, and Priscilla raised in the city.
Therefore, the day will drop to a great post, and people must first suffer their minds, their bones and muscles, starve their bodies and skin, and do whatever they want, so they can't bear it. People are unchangeable, and then they can change. Trapped in the heart, weigh the considerations, and then make.
Color label, sound hair, and then metaphor. A country, if there are no ministers and wise men who can assist the king, will often be in danger of the collapse of its neighboring countries and the misfortunes from abroad. Then knowledge is born of worry and dies of happiness. "
Shun was appointed from the field and promoted from the work of building walls, glue was promoted from the work of selling fish and salt, Guan Yiwu was promoted from prison officials, Sun Shuaio was promoted from the seaside to the court, and Prissy was promoted from the street to the stage.
Therefore, God is about to place a great responsibility on such a person. First of all, we should make his heart ache, make his bones and muscles tired, make him hungry, make his skin thin, make him down and out, and make what he does turn upside down and never be happy. Through these, we can alert his heart, strengthen his character and increase his talents that he does not have.
People often make mistakes before they can correct them; Inner difficulties, blocked thinking, and then you can make a difference; All this is shown on the face, expressed in words, and then understood. A country, if there is no minister who insists on laws, no sage who assists the monarch, and if there is no invasion by hostile countries and foreign enemies abroad, it will often go to extinction.
This shows that sadness can make people alive, and ease and pleasure can make people haggard and die.
Extended data:
1, "Born in Worry and Died in Happiness" is selected from Mencius Gao Zixia, which is an eloquent reasoning prose with sufficient arguments. Firstly, the author lists six examples of people who were tempered by poverty and setbacks and finally took on great responsibilities, which proves that hardship can motivate people to work hard and achieve new achievements.
Then, the author further demonstrates the truth that sorrow is greater than heart death from two different angles: the development of a person and the rise and fall of a country. Finally, let nature take its course and come to the conclusion that "born in sorrow, died in happiness".
2. Mencius Gaozi records the discussion about human morality between Mencius and his student Gaozi (a student of Mozi); Similar to the Analects of Confucius; It is a relatively complete embodiment of Mencius' theory of good nature. What is linked is the issue of benevolence, righteousness, morality and personal accomplishment. It also involves issues such as spirit and matter, sensibility and rationality, human nature and animal nature. The whole article ***20 chapters.
Note: Nowadays people often habitually compare goodness with malignancy. In fact, Xunzi holds the theory of evil nature, later than Mencius. This article is the debate between Mencius and Gao Zi, and does not involve Xunzi's theory of evil nature. It should be pointed out that people at that time used metaphors to demonstrate, and some of their expositions were not strict according to modern logical standards.
3. Mencius (372 BC-289 BC), a famous figure, was born in Zouguo (now Zoucheng, Shandong Province) in the middle of the Warring States Period. He was the most important Confucian thinker after Confucius. Mencius once traveled around the world to preach his thoughts of "benevolent government" and "kingly way", but because the vassal States were busy with war and annexation at that time, his views were regarded as "pedantic" and almost no one adopted them.
In his later years, Mencius returned to Zou, wrote a book with his disciples, and made seven chapters of Mencius, with 269 chapters. The language of Mencius is clear and fluent, full of emotion, magnificent and inspiring.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Born in sorrow, died in happiness.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Mencius Gao Zixia
The summer with the person you like is called summer, otherwise it can only be called a very hot day.