A saint lives outside, but behind him.
If you want to get rid of it, you must persist; If you want to be weak, you must be strong; If it is to be abolished, it must be consolidated; If you want to take it, you must fix it. It means that the weak are superior to the strong. Fish can't get rid of the jade garden, and the weapon of the country can't show people.
Music is complete, waste is straight, depression is full, we are new, we gain less, and we are confused. It is based on the sage holding one for the world. You can't see yourself, so be clear; If you are not self-sufficient, you will be obvious, and if you are not self-destructive, you will be active; Not proud, so long. The husband does not dispute, and the world cannot contend with it. Is the so-called "happiness" in ancient times empty? Sincerely return.
People are weak in life and strong in death, and everything is weak in life and dead; Therefore, the strong die and the weak live. Therefore, a strong soldier is invincible. If the wood is strong, it will be folded. Strong strength is weak.