From Wang Su's "Six Books of Confucius' Family Words in Hanshu", the original text: "He who is kind, like entering the room, has not heard its fragrance for a long time and is in harmony with it." Living with poor people is like entering the place of abalone. If you haven't heard of it for a long time, you will melt with it. What Dan hides is red, and what he paints is black. Gentlemen should be careful where they are. "
Being with people of noble character is like being bathed in a room full of fragrance when planting Lan Zhi. After a long time, I can't smell the fragrance, but it is already full of fragrance. Being with people with bad conduct is like going to a place selling abalone. After a long time, it will not stink, and it will also blend into the environment; The place where Dan is hidden will turn red after a long time, and the place where pigment is hidden will turn black after a long time, which is also caused by environmental impact! Therefore, a real gentleman must carefully choose the people he wants to get along with.
Extended data 1, enlightenment
The quality of the environment has great influence on people. Birds of a feather flock together, so make friends carefully.
2. Creative background
Wang Su studied the Confucian classics in ancient and modern times under the guidance of Zhong Song, a great scholar. He also borrowed from The Book of Rites, Zuo Zhuan and Guoyu. And compiled Confucius' family story to publicize moral values and bring his spiritual thoughts into official research. His interpretation of Confucian classics was called "Wang Xue" in Wei and Jin Dynasties.
3. Book value
Biography of Confucius records the questions, answers, words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples in detail, which is of great theoretical value for studying the philosophy, politics, ethics and educational thoughts of Confucianism (mainly Confucius, the founder). At the same time, because the book preserves many related records in ancient books, it has important literature value for the textual research of ancient relics and the collation of pre-Qin classics.
Secondly, most of the contents in the book are highly narrative, that is, most of them are anecdotes about Confucius, so this book has high literary value. First of all, this book is an important reference for studying Confucius' life and thoughts, and it is also an important basis for us to know the true face of Confucius in history.
Baidu encyclopedia-Lan Zhi room
Baidu Encyclopedia-Confucius' Family Language
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