This sentence means: when there is no satisfaction. This sentence describes my strong thirst for knowledge and reading. Read page after page greedily, like a hungry wolf pouncing on food. This sentence uses an extremely vivid metaphor-comparing "I" full of reading desire to a hungry wolf. Similar to Gorky's Hungry Man Jumps at Bread.
"I read greedily like a hungry wolf." This sentence comes from Lin's "Reading Secretly":
In the rows of colorful books, my eyes looked eagerly for it, but I couldn't find it. Look again from the beginning. Ah! It's here. It is not where it was yesterday. Open the book quickly, one page, two pages, and I read it greedily like a hungry wolf. I am very happy and scared-the taste of stealing!
Extended information Gorky's famous saying:
1. The closeness between people can't be bought by money.
2. Mother is the only force that can make death yield.
3. If a person wants to win in struggle for existence, he must have wisdom or a heart like a beast.
True and rational friendship is the most beautiful and priceless wealth in life.
5. Don't talk too much. Don't waste words in poetry. No flower will look more beautiful because it has one more petal.
6. For a better life, everyone must be an equal and complete master of life.
7. If you don't want to waste your life in this world, you have to study all your life.
8. Every book is a first-class ladder. With each promotion, I have become more detached from livestock, become a human being, get closer to the idea of a better life, and love this book more.
9. The sun will neither enlarge nor shrink. It will reflect what it is and what it looks like.