Original text:
Guan Zhong Yiwu is a native of Yingshang. When I was young, I often traveled with Uncle Bao, and Uncle Bao knew him as a wise man. Guan Zhong was poor and often bullied Uncle Bao. Uncle Bao eventually met him and ignored him. Now Uncle Bao is in charge of Qi Gongzi Xiaobai, and Guan Zhong is in charge of Gongzi Jiu. When Xiaobai was appointed as Duke Huan, the young master was killed and Guan Zhong was imprisoned. Uncle Bao then entered Guan Zhong. Guan Zhong was appointed to govern Qi. Duke Huan of Qi used hegemony to unite the nine princes and bring order to the world, which was Guan Zhong's plan.
Guan Zhong said: "When I was first in poverty, I tried to share the wealth with Uncle Bao and make a lot of profits. Uncle Bao didn't think I was greedy and knew that I was poor. I tried to work for Uncle Bao and became even poorer. , Uncle Bao does not think that I am a fool, knowing that the times are favorable and disadvantageous. He thinks that I am cowardly, and he knows that I have an old mother. When the young master is defeated, he is summoned to death, and I am humiliated in a quiet prison. Uncle Bao does not think that I am shameless. My parents know me, Bao Ziye." (Selected from "Historical Records: Biography of Guan Yan")
Guan Zhong, also known as Yiwu, was from Yingshang. When he was young, he often dated Bao Shuya. Uncle Bao knew that he had talents. Guan Zhong was from a poor family and often deceived Uncle Bao. However, Uncle Bao always treated him well and did not tell the story. Later, Uncle Bao served the young master Xiaobai of Qi State, and Guan Zhong served the young master Jiu. When Xiao Bai became Duke Huan, Prince Jiu was killed and Guan Zhong was imprisoned. Uncle Bao recommended Guan Zhong to Duke Huan. After Guan Zhong was appointed, he took charge of political affairs in Qi State. As a result, Duke Huan of Qi became hegemonic. He joined the princes many times to save the world. It was Guan Zhong's strategy.
Guan Zhong said: "When I was poor, I used to do business with Uncle Bao. I often got more profit from sharing the money. But Uncle Bao did not regard me as a greedy man. He knew that I was poor. I I once advised Uncle Bao on something, but the matter became even more embarrassing and out of hand. But Uncle Bao didn't think I was stupid. He knew when the timing was favorable and unfavorable. I had been an official three times and was dismissed by the king three times. Uncle Bao didn't take advantage of me. When viewed as an incompetent person, he knows that I have not had good luck. I have fought three times and retreated three times. Uncle Bao does not think that I am a coward. He knows that after the young master failed to fight for the throne, my colleague Zhao Hu. I committed suicide for this reason, and I was locked up in a deep prison and endured the humiliation. Uncle Bao did not think that I was shameless. He knew that I would not be ashamed of losing my modesty, but I would be ashamed of my fame because I was not known to the world. It was my parents who gave birth to me. They understand. Mine is Uncle Bao.”