Confucius said: (as a rightist) If you behave correctly, you can go on without giving orders. If you don't behave properly, even if you give orders, people won't listen.
2, Confucius said: See the sage Si Qi Yan, see the sage and introspect. ("Li Ren")
Confucius said: when you meet a wise man, you should learn from him and hope to reach his level. When you meet a bad man, you should reflect on yourself.
3. Confucius: Learning without thinking is useless, and dying without learning is dangerous. (Politics)
Confucius said: reading without serious thinking will make you confused; If you only dream and don't read, you will be confused.
4. Confucius said: the three armies can win the handsome, but the ordinary man can't win the ambition.
Confucius said, "An army can lose its commander-in-chief, but a man can't lose his ambition."
5. Confucius said: "Clever words make color, fresh and benevolent." ?
Confucius said: "This kind of person who is full of rhetoric and smiles is rarely benevolent."