From: Han Feizi's Seven Techniques of Inner Chu.
As the envoy of Wang Wei, he was called King Jing, saying, "When you enter the king's territory, you will hear the customs of the kingdom, saying,' A gentleman does not hide the beauty of others, and does not speak evil of others.' Is it true?/You don't say. "The king said," Yes. " "But if there is chaos in white, is there no danger in ordinary? If so, I will be spared the death penalty. "
Jiang Yi, the ambassador of Wang Wei to Chu, said to the king of Chu: "When I entered the territory of the king of Chu, I heard that the national atmosphere of the king of Chu was:' A gentleman does not hide the beauty of others and does not speak evil of others.' Is there really such an atmosphere? "The king of Chu said," Yes. ""In this case, can the country not be dangerous if something similar to a white coup happens again? " In fact, all ministers are exempt from the death penalty. "
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Famous sayings in Han Feizi's book
1, the method is not obvious, but I don't want to see the technique. The law must be clear to people, but art must be imperceptible. )
2. If you are empty, you will know the truth, and if you are quiet, you will know that the doer is right. Stay out of it and you will see the truth; Keep calm to work out the principle of action)
3, nothing is quiet, see flaws in the dark. If you keep silent and do nothing, you will often learn about other people's behavior loopholes from a hidden perspective. )
4, so I went to hate, and I humbly thought I would give up. (So get rid of feelings such as closeness, love and disgust. In order to successfully use tactics. )
5. You didn't see what you wanted. A monarch should not show his preference.
6, to good and evil, I am a vegetarian; Eliminate the old and eliminate the wisdom. I am self-sufficient. The monarch hides his likes and dislikes so that he can see the true colors of his liegeman; Throw away old prejudices, don't show your wisdom, and let the lieutenants do their jobs.
7. If a man is a virtuous person, ministers will decorate their lines to invite you to desire, which means that ministers' feelings are invalid. The monarch likes to hire talented people, so the lieutenants will whitewash themselves to cater to the monarch. )
8. When ministers meet, the King will not hide it. When the true colors of the princes are revealed, the monarch will not be deceived. )
9. It is to have wisdom, virtue, merit and courage. You can see clearly without wisdom, you can achieve great things without showing your talents, and you are still strong without bluffing.
10, see but not see, smell but not smell, know but not know (see but not see, hear but not see, know but not know)
1 1, seeing evil is not right, the ministers are not; If you are good, your minister will falsely accuse you. (If you hate it, the princes will hide it; If it is the monarch's preference, then the princes will cheat to cater to it)
12, say the opposite to taste doubt. (deliberately saying the opposite or doing the opposite to test the liegeman)
13, the system is more important in yourself, and it will be quiet if you don't leave. Heavy energy makes light, and static energy makes impatience. (Authority is the so-called weight in hand, and staying on the standard is the so-called quietness. Cautious people can control frivolity, and quiet people can control impatience.
2. The motto of speaking ill of others behind their backs, insist on speaking well of others behind their backs, and don't worry that this good word won't reach the ears of the parties.
When someone speaks ill of someone in front of you, you just smile.
When you advise others, if you don't care about others' self-esteem, then no matter how good it is, it is useless.
It takes only one word to destroy a person, but a thousand words to cultivate a person. Please have mercy.
There's no need to look back at who cursed you. If a mad dog bites you, do you have to get down and bite back?
Sit still and always think about yourself. Don't gossip about others.
Look at yourself and don't judge others.
The heart of a villain, guard against inadvertent hair.
With the heart of a villain, the belly of a gentleman.
Whoever doesn't talk about people behind their backs won't be talked about behind their backs.
What an honest man says is as reliable as his collateral. The confession of Cervantes is really cool and the most popular. -Balzac
Go your own way and let others talk!
A gentleman is figurative, while a villain is figurative. Confucius