The full text consists of six paragraphs, of which paragraphs 1 and 2 put forward arguments by citing materials, paragraphs 3, 4 and 5 discuss that skepticism is an important step to distinguish authenticity, and paragraph 6 discusses that skepticism is an important condition for building new theories and inspiring new inventions from the front. One positive and one negative, the level of discussion is very clear.
The full text can be divided into three parts. ?
The first part (1, 2), quoting famous sayings, puts forward the central argument: academic research must be skeptical. ?
The second part (3-5) demonstrates the first argument that doubt is a necessary step to distinguish fallacy from negation. This part can be divided into two layers. ?
The first layer (3, 4) discusses legends. Believe it or not, you should consider it, and you can't just believe it. ?
The second layer (5) discusses that no matter what kind of books and knowledge you have, you must distinguish right from wrong through your own doubts. ?
The third part (6) positively demonstrates the second argument that doubt is the basic condition for establishing new theories and inspiring new inventions.