? In fact, I have always believed this sentence. I think our life is determined by our choices. If you choose what you think is right and what you like, the final harvest will definitely develop in the direction you like. If we plant good causes, there will naturally be good results.
Because I like reading, I love words. I am always moved by those simple and sincere words. I can always feel what the author wants to convey behind those words. I think writing always gives others warmth and strength.
Later, I thought, I can also write my story and convey some feelings and warmth to people. Also because of this idea, I met. I began to write a composition on it and began to write reading comprehension. I always feel that time passes quickly, and I have lived a full life.
? I also met many people who love writing, read other people's stories and tasted life. Until one day, I read an article, "I wrote a letter to the moon", which was about Li Yueliang's struggle with depression. After reading this article, I found life difficult, but I remained brave. Moved by it at that time, I left "Come on" in my message. Because of these two words, I became attached to a group.
I have met many people who love reading and writing, and they all have their own yearning poems and distant places. They all write their own stories through their own eyes. Looking at their words, I feel that our world is so colorful.
Later, because I became attached to words, I began to write my own story. I also shared my own story. It was really touching to see the group owner, Mr. Zhao, reading my words with great care all the way south. The shopkeeper even pointed out my typo and thanked him for his seriousness. Thanks to Mr. Zhao for his encouragement and praise all the way south.
Later, because of the fruitful creation in the group, I got an encouragement of love. I am very grateful to them for their efforts and dedication, and many of them are kept in mind. Sometimes I feel that saying thank you is too superficial.
I sometimes reflect that we should all leave some time for people who love writing. In fact, there are ideas behind every article that the author wants to convey. Everyone needs a little encouragement and understanding.
I am writing this article today to express my gratitude for love and to meet a group of lovely people. Thanks to AAAAA Literary Friends Association. I think our meeting, no matter what form it is, whether dull or warm, can inspire and think for each of us and let us grow constantly.
? I think everyone should stick to what they love and love what they stick to. Once you persist, your plain world will shine. I believe that in ordinary soil, if we water it carefully, it will also produce brilliant flowers.
Bing Xin said: "People only admire her brilliance as a successful flower now. However, at the beginning, her buds were soaked with tears of struggle and shed blood rain of sacrifice. " Let's start for our dreams!