Ralph Waldo Emerson's famous saying:
1. There are two things I hate most: withoutfaithandfaithinthebenightedbeabrilliantmanofwidelearning.
There are two things I hate most: erudition without faith and ignorance full of faith. ——"How to Live in the World·Worship".
2. Ifyoumeetalentedperson,youshouldaskhimwhatbooksheread.
If you meet a talented person, you should ask him what books he reads.
3. Thetragedyinthespectator’seyesmaynotbethetragedyofthesufferer.
The tragedy in the eyes of the beholder may not be the tragedy in the heart of the victim.
4. "You must bealittlebitofgoodness_orelseit’szero."
"Your kindness must have a bit of edge - otherwise it is equal to zero." - "Emerson's Essays".