Confucius' famous saying. The language comes from the Analects of Confucius: "Confucius said:' When you are in a threesome, you must have a teacher, choose the good and follow it, and change the bad. Zhu's Note: "Three people walk together, one is me, the other is me, the other is good and the other is evil. If I follow the good, then I will change the evil from the good. If you are two people, you are all my teachers. " (Notes on the Analects of Confucius) Liu Baonan quoted the old theory and put forward two solutions: one said, "I am three people, and the two of them take me as good, so I will follow it;" Two people treat me badly, but I will change. They are all my teachers. Shu Hong Fan Yun: If three people occupy it, just talk from two people. This is also called. " There is no such thing as a threesome. Good and bad are all things to look at, choose to change. It's not that one person is good and one person is not good. Since it is good, it is my teacher. "