The top ten celebrities who influence the world
1. The top ten political figures who influence the course of world history
Since Menes unified Egypt to the present, in every important At every historical juncture, a figure will appear, and they will greatly change the direction of history. Now, I have selected ten characters from the perspective of the rise and fall of human civilization for your reference and criticism.
1. Menes: The Egyptian Pharaoh unified Upper and Lower Egypt, strengthened the royal power over the local area, and greatly promoted the development of Egyptian civilization.
2. Hammurabi: The King of Babylon unified the two river basins of Iraq and formulated the Code of Hammurabi, which realized the legal management of the ruled area and was the first written law known in the world. It is the representative of Babylonian civilization.
3. King Ashoka: King of the Mauryan Empire of India, established Buddhism as the state religion and vigorously promoted and implemented it. It laid a good political foundation for the spread of Buddhism. It is a representative of Buddhist civilization.
4. Alexander: The Hellenistic Macedonian emperor conquered the Middle East and ended the Egyptian and Babylonian civilizations. The Hellenization of the Middle East, along with the colonization and cultural spread of Greek citizens in Italy, made Greek culture the source of Roman culture. It is a representative of Greek civilization.
5. Qin Shihuang: The emperor of the Qin Dynasty of China who unified China, the founder of centralization, unified writing and currency, etc., and unified thought with Legalism. Later, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty established Confucianism as orthodox thought, but the political system was still basically inherited from the Qing Dynasty Emperor. Therefore, Qin Shihuang is the representative of Chinese civilization.
6. Caesar: An ancient Roman general who conquered the Mediterranean region, developed Roman culture with Greek civilization as its source, and laid the foundation for the establishment of the Roman Empire. His successors and descendants established the Christianity of Jesus as the state religion. , developed and formed today's Western Christian civilization. So Caesar can be used as a representative of Western civilization.
7. Muhammad: The Caliph of the Arab Empire unified the Arabian Peninsula and established Islam. Successors conquered Egypt and other places and realized the Islamization of the Middle East. He is the founder of Islamic culture.
8. Genghis Khan: The Great Khan of the Mongol Empire and his successors conquered Eurasia and brought the isolated Confucian culture, Islamic culture and Christian culture into the political territory. Marco Polo’s travels stimulated Columbus’s later voyages and the West colonial era. It is the bridge between Eastern and Western cultures.
9. Napoleon: Emperor of the French Empire unified most of Europe and wiped out the feudal order on the European continent. The Napoleonic Code became a model for European countries to formulate capitalist laws.
10. Hitler: The head of the German Third Reich conquered Europe and North Africa and launched World War II. He was the representative of Nazism. As a result of World War II, the United Nations and the current world political landscape were born. So Hitler is a key figure who has influenced the twentieth century to this day.
2. Top ten genius scientists who have influenced the course of the world
1. Albert Einstein, the founder and founder of modern physics. Einstein's special theory of relativity successfully revealed the relationship between energy and mass and solved the long-standing problem of stellar energy sources. In recent years, more and more high-energy physical phenomena have been discovered, and special relativity has become one of the most basic theoretical tools to explain such phenomena. His general theory of relativity also solved a long-standing mystery in astronomy and deduced the phenomenon of light bending that was later verified. It also became the theoretical basis for many later astronomical concepts.
2. Stephen William Hawking, the most important contemporary general theory of relativity and cosmologist, is one of the great men with international reputation in this century. He is known as the greatest living scientist and is also known as The father of the universe, he is known as the world's most famous scientific thinker and most outstanding theoretical physicist after Einstein. Hawking's life is very legendary. In terms of scientific achievements, he is one of the most outstanding scientists in history. He transcended the theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, the big bang and other theories and entered the "geometric dance" that created the universe.
3. Alfred Bernhard Nobel, Swedish chemist, engineer and industrialist, founder of the Nobel Prize. In the history of world science, he not only devoted all his life to the cause of science, but also left a will behind his death, donating all his inheritance to the cause of science, to reward future generations and strive to climb to the peak of science. Today, the Science Award named after him has become the highest scientific award that attracts worldwide attention. His name, together with mankind's achievements in scientific exploration, will forever remain in the history of civilization in the development of human society.
4. Isaac Newton, English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher and alchemist. In his paper "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy" published in 1687, he described universal gravitation and the three laws of motion. These descriptions established the scientific view of the physical world for the next three centuries and became the foundation of modern engineering. By demonstrating the consistency between Kepler's laws of planetary motion and his theory of gravity, he showed that the motions of terrestrial objects and celestial bodies follow the same natural laws; thus eliminating the last remaining doubts about the heliocentric theory and promoting the Scientific revolution.
5. James Watt, a famous British inventor and an important figure during the Industrial Revolution.
He made a series of major improvements to the original prototypes of steam engines that had appeared at that time. He invented the single-cylinder single-acting and single-cylinder double-acting steam engines, which improved the thermal efficiency and operational reliability of the steam engines and made important contributions to the development of social productivity at that time. Outstanding contribution. There is this praise for the steam engine he invented: "It has armed mankind, made weak hands powerful, and strengthened the human brain to deal with all problems. It has laid a solid foundation for mechanical power to create miracles in the future. It will help and reward future generations for their labor.”
6. Brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright, American inventors, made the world’s first manned aircraft on December 17, 1903. A powered aircraft takes to the skies in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, USA. This aircraft is called "Aviator-1", and its inventors are the American brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright. This is the first time in the world that a heavier-than-air aircraft has been powered and controllable. The Wright brothers' first powered sustained flight realized mankind's long-awaited dream, and the era of human flight began.
7. Edison, an American electrician and inventor, is known as the "King of Inventions in the World". In addition to his inventions and contributions in the phonograph, electric light, telegraph, and movies, he also had many famous creations and insights in the fields of mining, construction, and chemical industry. Edison made about 2,000 inventions during his lifetime, making great contributions to human civilization and progress. Edison was also a great entrepreneur. In 1892, Tom Houston Company and Edison Electric and Lighting Company merged to form General Electric Company, beginning GE's century-long dominance in the electrical field.
8. Charles Robert Darwin, British naturalist, biologist, thinker, and founder of the theory of evolution. In 1859, "The Origin of Species" was published, which shocked the academic community at that time. The book uses a large amount of data to prove that all kinds of creatures were not created by God, but developed and changed from simple to complex, from low to high through inheritance, mutation, survival struggle and natural selection, and proposed the theory of biological evolution. theory, thereby destroying all kinds of idealistic theories of divine creation and species immutability. The natural selection and sexual selection he proposed are universal theories in the current life sciences.
9. Maxwell, Maxwell is mainly engaged in research on electromagnetic theory, molecular physics, statistical physics, optics, mechanics, and elastic theory. In particular, the electromagnetic field theory he established unified electricity, magnetism, and optics. It was the most glorious achievement of the development of physics in the 19th century and one of the greatest syntheses in the history of science. He predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves. This theory was later fully verified experimentally. He set up a monument for physics. Radio technology that benefits mankind is developed based on electromagnetic field theory.
10. Zheng Kuifei, a Chinese scientist and inventor, is known as the father of cryonic resurrection. The "cryonic resurrector and resurrection fluid" he invented claims to be able to "resurrect the dead" and "the world in 2080" The Zheng Kuifei Prize, the highest award surpassing the Nobel Prize, will be born.” He is not only predicting future trends, but also trying to summarize this era, plan this era, and guide this era; he strives to influence the world, change the world, and change mankind with revolutionary changes in his own concepts and ways of thinking. He is a person who has been compared with Darwin and Marx, and is a pioneer and role model in describing the future direction of mankind.
3. The ten great thinkers who influenced the world process
1. Karl Marx, the founder of Marxism, the organizer and leader of the First International, the proletariat of the world He was a great mentor of the working people and was rated as the person who had the most profound influence on the world in the 20th century. Marx's life was a great life. The Marxist theory he co-founded with Thomas Sigg is the theoretical weapon and guide to action that guides working people around the world in their struggle to realize the great ideals of socialism and communism. Marx's name will go down in history forever, and his theory will shine forever. It can be said that Marx is undoubtedly the founder and greatest contributor of the theory of sustainable development aimed at human development.
2. Confucius, a great thinker, politician, educator in ancient China, the founder of Confucianism, and a world cultural celebrity. Confucius' thoughts on words and deeds are mainly contained in "The Analects", a collection of quotation-style prose, and the "Four Books". In the five thousand years of Chinese history, the person who had the greatest influence on the character and temperament of the Chinese nation was Confucius. When he was alive, he was known as the "Holy Saint", "Muduo of Heaven" and "Eternal Saint". He was one of the most erudite scholars in the society at that time, and was revered as the Holy Saint (the Saint among Saints) and the Eternal Saint by later generations. Teacher's example. Confucius' thoughts and theories had a profound impact on later generations.
3. Charles Robert Darwin, British naturalist, biologist, thinker, and founder of the theory of evolution. In 1859, "The Origin of Species" was published, which shocked the academic community at that time. The book uses a large amount of data to prove that all kinds of creatures were not created by God, but developed and changed from simple to complex, from low to high through inheritance, mutation, survival struggle and natural selection, and proposed the theory of biological evolution. theory, thereby destroying all kinds of idealistic theories of divine creation and species immutability. The natural selection and sexual selection he proposed are universal theories in the current life sciences.
4. Zheng Kuifei, a Chinese thinker, theorist, scientist, and economist, is the founder of the "Cryonic Resurrection Theory, World Monetary Unification Theory, and Consumption Capital Economics Theory." Some of his ideas are quite unique. Controversiality, but this does not negate the novelty, peculiarity, and profundity of his ideological content, as well as the truth and truth of his bold and novel judgments, elaborations, analyses, and predictions about the entire destiny of mankind. Logical. He should be compared with Darwin and Marx. He is a thinker and practitioner who seeks to fill and bridge the gaps in the future of mankind. He is a pioneer and model in describing the future direction of mankind.
5. Voltaire, French Enlightenment thinker, writer, and philosopher. He was the standard-bearer of the French bourgeois Enlightenment in the 18th century and was known as the "King of Ideas", "France's best poet" and "the conscience of Europe". He advocated natural human rights, believing that people are born free and equal, and that all people have the right to pursue survival and happiness. This right is given by nature and cannot be taken away. This is the idea of ??natural human rights. His achievements in the Enlightenment Movement in France in the 18th century cannot be erased. He was recognized as the leader and mentor of the people for most of his life. He made great contributions to the anti-feudal Enlightenment Movement.
6. Francis Bacon, British philosopher and scientist. His progressive ideas of advocating science and developing science and progressive slogans advocating knowledge have always promoted social progress. This thinker who pursued truth throughout his life was called "the true ancestor of British materialism and the entire modern experimental science" by Marx. He also put forward many ideas in logic, aesthetics and education. He was the first philosopher to put forward the principle of empiricism in the history of modern philosophy. He played a positive role in promoting the establishment of modern science and made significant historical contributions to the history of human philosophy and science. He was the person who provided logic for scientific research procedures. Pioneer of organization.
7. Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, is also one of the greatest philosophers and thinkers in all of Western philosophy and even Western culture. He is the founder of Western objective idealism. His philosophical system is profound and profound, and has a great influence on his teaching thoughts. He believes that the world consists of the "ideal world" and the "phenomenal world". His works are the founding documents of Western culture. Among the various schools of Western philosophy, it is difficult to find a school that has not absorbed his works. In later generations of philosophers and Christian theology, Plato's ideas retain great radiating power. Some historians of philosophy believe that it was not until modern times that Western philosophy gradually got rid of the control of Plato's ideas.
8. Diderot, French materialist philosopher, esthetician, litterateur, educational theorist, representative of the Encyclopedia School, editor-in-chief of the first French "Encyclopedia". He has original insights in philosophy, literature, aesthetics and other aspects. In the field of philosophy, he believed that nature is an eternally flowing unified system or whole, in which nothing exists but time, space and matter. The basic form of matter is molecules, which can move on their own without the intervention of God. He advocated materialistic sensory theory and affirmed that knowledge comes from feelings, and feelings are the result of external things stimulating people's senses.
9. Mao Zedong, a great Marxist, proletarian revolutionist, strategist and theorist, the main founder and founder of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the People's Republic of China leader. Mao Zedong Thought, as the development of Marxism in China, remains the guiding ideology of the Communist Party of China. His main works are included in "Selected Works of Mao Zedong" (four volumes) and "Collected Works of Mao Zedong" (eight volumes). He had a profound impact on China and the world in the 20th century. Mao Zedong Thought has also become the development program of some developing countries. Mao Zedong Thought, simply put, is the Chineseization of Marxism-Leninism and the Marxistization of China’s revolutionary construction experience.
10. Rousseau, a famous French Enlightenment thinker, philosopher, educator, and writer. He was the ideological pioneer of the French Revolution in the 18th century and one of the most outstanding representatives of the Enlightenment. He believed that all rights belonged to the people. The government and officials were appointed by the people. The people had the right to appoint them and to replace them until the rulers who enslaved and oppressed the people were eliminated. This is the idea of ??popular sovereignty. In philosophy, he advocated that feeling is the source of knowledge and adhered to the "deism" point of view; he emphasized that human nature is good and faith is higher than reason. In terms of social outlook, he adhered to the social contract theory, advocated the establishment of the "kingdom of reason" of the bourgeoisie, and advocated freedom and equality.
4. Who are the top ten cultural celebrities in the world?
1. Washington: Washington was the founder and first president of the United States of America. He led and commanded the great American independence. < War, after an arduous battle, the British colonists were defeated and the United States of America was established. Famous quote: "In my opinion, family reunion and farm family happiness are far better than worldly prosperity."
2. Darwin: Darwin is a famous British biologist and the founder of the theory of biological evolution. In his book "The Origin of Species", he denied the idealistic theory of creation, teleology and species immutability, emphasized "natural selection and survival of the fittest", and pointed out that humans evolved from monkeys. It's done. Famous quote: "Don't lose your ability to feel life, beauty, and poetry because you have been immersed in science for a long time."
3. Columbus: As an explorer and navigator, Columbus's voyages had a profound impact. More than any previous adventure.
The discovery of the New World is the most amazing geographical discovery in human history. It is a great victory for mankind to challenge itself and conquer the world. Famous quote: "Discovery is only nurtured by perseverance. I think it will never have a chance with cowards."
4. Napoleon: Napoleon's military power once made the entire European continent tremble. A generation of heroes who ushered in a new era in Europe, a giant on the European political and military stage in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, he once brought great honor to France and turned the European feudal ruling system upside down. Famous quote: "If you think I am shorter than you, I will immediately chop off your head and eliminate this difference."
5. Edison: Edison is an American inventor and the most outstanding genius in the history of world science and technology. . He invented the phonograph, incandescent lamp, movies and many other things that had a great impact on future generations. He holds 1,039 invention patents. Famous quote: "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration."
6. Nobel: Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist, engineer and industrialist , founder of the Nobel Prize. In his lifetime, he obtained 355 technical invention patents including yellow explosives, and opened more than 80 companies in more than 20 countries. He was the richest man in Europe in the 19th century. Famous quote: "My ideal is to play my role in helping mankind live a happier life."
7. Beethoven: Beethoven is a musical genius who created joy through suffering. His life was constantly tormented by all kinds of pain. His musical achievements were unprecedented, but he lived in poverty all his life. Famous quote: "I want to hold the throat of fate, it cannot make me surrender completely."
8. Genghis Khan: The Mongol Empire that rose on the Mongolian grasslands is like a wild beast, their indestructible iron cavalry The dust raised covered the Eurasian continent. On the banks of the Danube, on the Mediterranean Sea, and on the Indus River, the cries of soldiers fighting could be heard everywhere. How many majestic crowns have lost their former majesty and have been trampled on in the dirt; how many prosperous cities, with their constant hustle and bustle all year round, have turned into desolate ruins; how many arrogant and extravagant rulers have either become slaves or their heads are missing. . Genghis Khan was an all-powerful hero who shocked Europe and Asia, and whose achievements transcended ancient and modern times. He was hailed by Mao Zedong as "a genius of a generation." Famous quote: "In a war, if I escape with my men, you can cut off my legs; in a victory, if I pocket the spoils, you can cut off my fingers."
9. Sakyamuni: Sakyamuni is the founder of Buddhism, a true living Buddha in the world, the supreme Lord of Buddhism, the star of heaven who saves mankind, and a saint who devotes himself to the equality of mankind. Famous quote: "Among all sins, killing is the first, stealing is the second, and lust is the third. Those who are lustful are entangled in love and love, and cannot be liberated in thousands of lives. Why? The root of life and death, lust is the seed. That is why the Bodhisattva wants to die. , cut off love and thirst first.”
10. Jesus: When the suffering of reality becomes unbearable, many people look up to the vast sky and pray for the star of salvation to appear. At this time, Jesus came to the world. It is the savior. Quote: "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. No need to worry. Our debts, as we forgive our debts, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours forever, Amen!”
Attachment: Chinese cultural celebrities who have influenced the course of the world:
After the end of World War II, world peace is still under potential threat, the international situation is very tense, and people all over the world are calling for peace. In November 1948, the International Liaison Committee of World Cultural Workers, the International Democratic Women's Federation and 75 famous people from 17 countries jointly initiated the World Congress for the Defense of Peace. In April 1949, the First World Congress for the Defense of Peace was held simultaneously in France and Czechoslovakia, calling for the reduction of armaments, the prohibition of atomic weapons, the relaxation of international tensions, and the joint defense of world peace. On November 11, 1950, the Second World Congress for the Defense of Peace was held in Warsaw, the capital of Poland. Representatives from more than 80 countries attended the meeting. The meeting adopted the "Declaration to the People of the World" and decided to establish the World Peace Council. In February 1951, the World Peace Council held a meeting in Berlin, Germany. The meeting adopted the "Declaration Requiring the Five Major Powers (the United States, the Soviet Union, China, Britain, and France) to conclude a peace convention", setting off a worldwide peace signature movement. , with more than 600 million signatures, including more than 300 million signatures from China. At this meeting, Li Shizhen was elected as a world cultural celebrity.
In 1953, Qu Yuan was elected as a world cultural celebrity by the World Peace Council.
In 1958, Guan Hanqing was elected as a world cultural celebrity by the World Peace Council.
In 1962, Du Fu was elected as a world cultural celebrity by the World Peace Council.
In 1963, Mr. Qi Baishi was elected as a world cultural celebrity by the World Peace Council.
The purpose of selecting world cultural celebrities is to commemorate their birth and death years, and is not a general selection of "world cultural celebrities".
Confucius is a recognized educator and thinker in the world. He is regarded as a "teacher for all generations" by future generations. He was rated as one of the "Top Ten Cultural Celebrities in the World" by UNESCO, ranking first.
Together with Muhammad, Jesus and Sakyamuni, Confucius is known as the "Four Saints" who created world culture. His thoughts and theories played a major and positive role in promoting the formation and development of Chinese society, and influenced the historical process of China for more than 2,000 years. Confucian thought has become an important part of Chinese culture and the Chinese national spirit, and has been increasingly recognized and accepted by the international community.
Qi Baishi, an outstanding painter, calligrapher, and seal carver in the history of modern Chinese art, was awarded the "People's Artist" by the Ministry of Culture. He was also the winner of the International Peace Medal of the World Peace Council. In 1962, he was named the World Top ten cultural celebrities. His paintings represent the culture and art of the Chinese nation, and represent the art that has made achievements and transformations over thousands of years of tradition and has its own aura in it. "Those who learn from me will live, and those who resemble me will die." This is what he taught his students. He is the most legendary painter in the Chinese painting world. His clumsy and rough splash-ink freehand brushwork, which makes people thunder in silence, has raised the dazzling Chinese painting art to a new level.
Mr. Ba Jin was awarded the title of Foreign Academician of the American Academy of Literature and Art, and was hailed as one of the "Top Ten Cultural Celebrities in the World" by the 47th PEN International Conference. He is a leader of my country's "May Fourth" New Culture Movement One of the most influential writers in history, he is known as my country's most outstanding literary master, as well as my country's outstanding translator, editor and publisher. He has been engaged in literary creation for more than 70 years, and his works such as "Love Trilogy", "Fog", "Rain" and "Electricity") and "Torrent Trilogy", "Home", "Spring" and "Autumn" are expressed with sincere and strong emotions. The color has touched the hearts of several generations of young people, had a significant social impact, and has become a classic work in the history of Chinese literature. His works are said to be the epitome of the exploration of life path by Chinese intellectuals in the 20th century, and he has also become an international model for studying Chinese literature in the 20th century and the life path of Chinese intellectuals. His works have been translated into more than 30 languages ??including English, French, Russian, German, Spanish, and Arabic, and are widely spread in the world.
Guan Hanqing is the most outstanding representative of Yuan opera writers. He created more than 60 kinds of dramas, including "Dou E's Injustice", "Save Feng Chen", "Moon Worship Pavilion", "Tiao Feng Yue", "Wangjiang Pavilion", "Single Sword Club", "Butterfly Club", "Jade Realm Terrace", "Money Pool", "Xie Tianxiang", "Fei Yi Meng", "Western Sichuan Dream", "The Crying Survivor" 13 There are only three remaining pieces: "Crying Sachet", "Spring Shirt" and "Meng Liang Stealing Bones". Zhou Deqing, a native of the Yuan Dynasty, called him the "Four Masters of Yuan Opera" together with Ma Zhiyuan, Bai Pu and Zheng Guangzu. In 1958, Guan Hanqing was listed as one of the top ten cultural celebrities in the world by the World Peace Council. Guan Hanqing's works have had a huge and widespread impact at home and abroad, and some plays are still performed today. A hundred years ago, "The Injustice of Dou E" was translated into French, which promoted cultural exchanges between the East and the West.
Zhang Heng was a famous scientist, writer and inventor in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He twice served as the Taishi Ling in charge of astronomy. He was proficient in astronomical calculations and created the world's earliest armillary sphere that used water power to rotate and a seismograph for measuring earthquakes. He also invented many instruments such as the compass car and the drum car. For the first time, the cause of a lunar eclipse was correctly explained, explaining that moonlight is the reflection of sunlight, and a lunar eclipse is caused by the moon entering the earth's shadow. Important works include (Ling Xian), (Annotations on the Armillary Sphere), and (Suan Wang Lun). His literary works occupy an important position in the literary history of the Han Dynasty. For example, "Er Jing Fu" describes the scene in Kyoto, with exaggerated decorations and rich literary flair, which stirs up emotions. (Guitian Fu) is short in form and focuses on lyricism. (Poetry of Four Sorrows) and (Song of the Same Voice) each have their own characteristics and play a certain role in the history of the development of five- and seven-character poetry. Listed as one of the top ten cultural celebrities in the world.