1. Wisdom is worth more than pearls.
2. The testing of faith produces perseverance.
3. Staying away from evil is wisdom.
4. Love your neighbor as yourself.
5. No one knows the value of wisdom.
6. Be sure to love each other as brothers.
7. The righteous have many sufferings.
8. Stop anger and forsake wrath. Don't be so grievous that you do evil.
9. Those who do evil will be cut off.
10. It is better for a righteous person to have a little than for many wicked people to have a lot.
11. A wicked person borrows something without repaying it. But a righteous man is kind and gives alms.
12. Refrain from evil and do good, and you will live in peace forever.
13. The righteous will inherit the earth and dwell therein forever.
14. People who doubt are like waves in the sea, tossed and tossed by the wind.
15. A double-minded person is uncertain in all his ways.
16. Not all noble people are wise. Not everyone who lives a long life understands fairness.
17. When a servant falls, will he not stretch out his hand? When faced with disaster, will he not ask for help?
18. The elderly should speak first. Those who live long should teach others with wisdom.
19. The ears test the words, just as the mouth tastes the food.
20. Anger kills fools, jealousy kills obsessed people.
21. How can a wild ass bray when it has grass, and how can an ox roar when it has food?
22. My soul is troubled and I want to speak out. My heart is troubled and I want to express my sorrow.
23. The ax is laid at the root of the tree, and every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
24. The tongue is the smallest among all the bodies, but it can speak big words.
25. The woods that can be lit by the smallest fire.
26. From the same mouth come praises and curses.
27. The water stolen is sweet, and the bread eaten in secret is good.
28. Those gathered in summer are the children of wisdom. He who sleeps at harvest time is the son of shame.
29. He who walks in the upright path has a steady step. Those who take crooked paths will be exposed.
30. How can cattail grow long without mud? How can reed grow hair without water?
31. The old are wise, and the long-lived are knowledgeable.
32. The light of the wicked will be extinguished. His fire shall not shine.
33. The triumph of the wicked is temporary, and the joy of the ungodly is but fleeting.
34. There are mines for silver and methods for refining gold. Iron was dug out of the earth and copper melted from the stone.
35. Do not follow the counsel of the wicked, do not stand in the way of sinners, do not sit in the seat of scorners.
36. Be like a tree planted by the stream, which bears fruit in season and whose leaves do not wither.
37. Evil people work hard because of evil. What is conceived is poison and what is born is falsehood.
38. Pure words are like silver refined seven times in an earthen furnace.
39. When low-class people rise in the world, there will be evil people everywhere*.
40. Do not slander others with your tongue, do not treat your friends badly, and do not join in slandering your neighbors.