1. Those who are unkind cannot make appointments for a long time and cannot enjoy each other. A benevolent person is at ease with benevolence, and a wise person is beneficial to benevolence. ——Confucius's "The Analects"
Translation: People without benevolence cannot remain in poverty for a long time, nor can they live in peace and happiness for a long time. A benevolent person is content with benevolence, and a wise person practices benevolence only when he knows that benevolence is beneficial to him.
2. Only benevolent people can do good to others and do evil to others. ——Confucius' "The Analects"
Translation: Only those who are benevolent can love and hate others.
3. Wealth and honor are what people want; if they don’t get it in the right way, they won’t get it. Poverty and lowliness are what people hate; if you don't get them in the right way, you won't get rid of them. A gentleman abandons benevolence and becomes famous? A gentleman will never violate benevolence, and he will do so if he makes mistakes, and he will do so if he is unlucky. ——Confucius's "The Analects"
Translation: Wealth and nobility are things that everyone wants, but if you don't get them in the right way, you won't enjoy them; poverty and lowliness are something that everyone hates. Yes, but if you don’t use proper methods to get rid of it, you won’t get rid of it. How can a gentleman be called a gentleman if he has left benevolence? A gentleman will not deviate from benevolence for a single meal. Even in the most urgent moment, he must act according to benevolence. Even when he is homeless, he will definitely act according to benevolence.
4. I have never seen anyone who likes benevolence and hates people who are not benevolent. Those who love benevolence have nothing to do with it; if they hate those who are unkind, they are benevolent and do not let those who are unkind be harmed by them. Is it possible to use your strength for benevolence in one day? I haven't seen anyone lacking in strength. It's there, but I haven't seen it. ——Confucius's "The Analects"
Translation: I have never seen anyone who loves kindness, nor have I seen anyone who hates kindness. People who love benevolence cannot be better; people who hate unkindness should not let unkindness affect them when practicing benevolence. Can you use your strength to practice benevolence for a day? I haven't seen anyone who wasn't strong enough. There may still be such people, but I have never seen them.
5. Everyone’s faults belong to their own party. After observing it, I know benevolence. ——Confucius's "The Analects"
Translation: Ancient people did not speak out easily because they felt ashamed that they could not do it.