Pronunciation: /ta a ta hi to tsu no shi n ji tsu mi ne ku, ta mi ne wa ko do mo, zu no u wa o to na shi i. so no me i wame i ta n te i ko na n/
Chinese pronunciation: He, she (h) spit T Suneng (e) Mini Ku, Tamineng (e) Vakudomo, Zuno.
Dig in the cave, oh, spit it out, teacher. I'll search and take a bite (tender)
English: The only one who can see through the truth is a famous detective Conan who looks like a child but is too clever.
Ania's mother's name is Joel Fogg and his father's name is Lloyd Fogg. "Spy Play House" is a cartoon serialized by Endo Daizai on March 25th, 20 19 on the o