According to different communication methods, what types can they be divided into?
1, according to the status of management methods, management methods can be divided into philosophical methods, general management methods and specific management methods; 2, the characteristics of management information communication can be divided into authoritative communication management methods, interest communication management methods and spiritual communication management methods; 3, according to the types of managers, it can be divided into authoritarian methods, democratic methods and democratic centralism methods; 4, according to the accuracy of methods, it can be divided into qualitative management methods and quantitative management methods; 5, according to management methods. According to the different forms of communication, communication can be divided into: ① Oral communication, that is, communication that conveys information by oral language, including speeches at meetings, discussions and private chats. (2) Written communication refers to communication in which information is transmitted in words, including various documents, reports and letters. (3) Non-verbal communication is communication that conveys information through actions, gestures, expressions and tones; (4) Electronic media communication is a way of transmitting information through electronic devices.