Prayer of tranquility
-reinhold niebuhr (1892- 197 1)
God, please grant us the grace to accept calmly.
Things that cannot be changed,
The courage to change things.
This should be changed,
And the wisdom of discrimination
One and another.
Live each day well,
Enjoy one moment at a time,
Accepting difficulties is the way to peace,
Like Jesus,
This sinful world,
Not what I want,
I believe you will do everything well,
If I give in to your will,
Let me live quite happily in this life,
I will be with you forever in my next life.
Quiet prayer
-niebuhr (1892- 197 1)
My God, please grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change.
Give me the courage to change everything I can;
Give me wisdom and let me know the difference between the two.
One day at a time,
Enjoy it,
Take hardship as the road to peace,
Like Jesus Christ
Accept this sinful world,
Actually, it's not what I expected,
I'm sure you'll fix everything,
Asking me to follow your wishes,
I will get proper happiness in this life,
Share the happiness of eternal life with you.