Sima Guang, the prime minister of Song Zhezong, was a famous minister at that time. When he was a child, he had an inhuman memory. His brothers all started chanting and wandered away. They stayed at home alone. Once they can satirize it, it is already. He said to himself, "Those who work hard will go far, but they will never forget." And the dragon, browsing ancient books, has a good knowledge, Zhiqiang, saying: "Books must be memorized. Or immediately, or when you don't sleep in the middle of the night, recite its words and think about its meaning, and you will get more. "
Sima Guang, the prime minister of Song Zhezong period, once edited "Zi Tong Zhi Jian" and was a famous hero at that time. When he was a child, he was worried that his memory was not as good as others. All the other brothers have finished reciting and have a rest. He is the only one who can't close the door and study in the house until he can recite skillfully. He himself said: "(because) there is more energy in reading now, and the gains will be long-term and will never be forgotten." By the time (Sima Guang) is old, he has read all the ancient books, with profound knowledge and strong memory. He said, "You can't read without reciting. Sometimes I ride a horse and walk, sometimes I can't sleep in the middle of the night. You can learn more by reciting what you have read and thinking about its meaning. "