Don’t pay too much attention to money. As the saying goes, money is something external to you. If you care very much about money as a surrogate possession, then you will definitely not become a great person. The more greedy and extravagant your hopes are, the farther away your money will be. By the time you react, it's already too late because you can't go back. On the contrary, if you work very hard and never give up, one day you will succeed and achieve something. If you don’t want to be inactive until you get old, then please look at money more clearly, and look down upon the things that have left you; look at life, family and friendship, and the things you have. Take hard work more seriously!
Sadie said: The gold in the ground must be dug from the veins, and the gold of the miser must be mined from his soul.
Thomas Brown said: A slave to money will never be loyal to God.
Mozambique once said: Those who are drunk will sober up, but those who are obsessed with money will never sober up.
Augustine said: A stingy person is like hell. The more he swallows, the more he wants to swallow. He is insatiable.
Chekhov once said: Stinginess will be punished.