1. The gentle person is the foundation of benevolence; the respectful person is the place of benevolence; the generous person is the work of benevolence; the generous person is benevolence's ability; the courtesy is the appearance of benevolence; the talker is benevolence. Literary; singing and music are the harmony of benevolence; dispersion is the giving of benevolence. Confucians have both of these, but dare not speak of benevolence. He respects such people.
2. Those who are virtuous must educate themselves in speaking, but those who are eloquent do not need to cultivate virtue.
3. Knowledge, benevolence and courage are the three virtues in the world.
4. The humble position does not compromise the aspirations of the people, and the importance of being a public servant does not change.
5. There is no insult to the elderly or the young.
6. A gentleman’s name must be eloquent, and his words must be actionable. A gentleman is nothing more than scrupulous in his words.
7. If you love benevolence but don’t want to learn, you will be a fool; if you love knowledge but don’t learn, you will be blind; if you love faith but don’t learn, you will be a thief; if you love straightness but don’t learn, then you will be blind; good. If you are brave and don't learn, your cover will be chaotic; if you are strong and don't learn, your cover will be crazy.
8. A benevolent person will not worry, a knowledgeable person will not be confused, and a brave person will not be afraid.