Zinc is a trace element as important as selenium.
Selenium ensures that people will not die; zinc ensures that people live well.
Selenium is the fire of life; zinc is the fire of life.
In 2014, because of various questions about the efficacy of Quinton ocean water, I began to systematically study elemental balance medicine (referred to as elemental medicine). I learned that more than 80 natural elements have been discovered in the human body, 62 of which are involved in gene expression (see "The Role of Minerals in Gene Expression", J. Craig Venter Institute, leader of the Human Genome Project). What guides and coordinates the gene expression process is a transcription factor called a "zinc finger protein", which is like a finger. Zinc element is the energy and active center of zinc finger protein.
From the research of Professor Jin Riguang, it can be known that when zinc exists in an ionic state, its electrophilicity and nucleophilicity in the human body are in the "moderate" state among all trace elements. It can activate elements with high electrophilicity or high nucleophilicity at the same time, activating advanced physiological activities such as gene expression and cell repair.
?So, Professor Jin Riguang regards zinc as the core element in the "life power element". Professor Jin Riguang once quoted a large number of data from the Guangdong Trace Element Scientific Research Society, where I am a member, proving that most tonic and yang-enhancing traditional Chinese medicines contain relatively high zinc content
Therefore, the symptoms of zinc deficiency in the human body are: Early aging, lack of energy, lack of energy, and fatigue easily. In addition, in my eyes, there are no strange terms such as scar constitution and allergic constitution. Most of them can be solved by supplementing zinc.
I have talked extensively about hair loss before, which is closely related to deficiency of the five internal organs. Zinc supplementation can improve most deficiencies, so generally speaking, zinc supplementation is generally effective in improving hair loss.
According to modern medical theory, zinc deficiency should be considered when the following phenomena occur in the body:
?Loss of appetite, slow growth in children and adolescents, mental retardation, and brain atrophy
? Arthritis, oral ulcers, dermatitis, difficulty in wound healing, hair loss, early onset of gray hair
?Reduced reproductive capacity, low semen/sperm, infertility
?All chronic eye diseases , Early onset of myopia in children
?Type 2 diabetes, tumors, hemorrhagic stroke (stroke)
?Low immunity, frequent allergies, leukopenia
?Superficial gastritis, duodenitis, gastric ulcer
?Pulmonary heart disease, tuberculosis, silicosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
?Based on traditional Chinese medicine, deficiency of yang, deficiency of yin, deficiency of qi, deficiency of spleen, deficiency of kidney, abnormal tongue, any of these phenomena should be considered as zinc deficiency
Zinc, the fire of life (Part 3) In addition to regulation Apart from DNA, when talking about the physiological role of zinc, we have to talk about MT protein.
?Zinc (and copper) can induce the synthesis of metallothionein (MT protein) in the liver, brain, and kidneys. During the fetal period, almost all human tissues are rich in MT. The MT protein in liver tissue is significantly reduced in adulthood, and it is difficult to detect it in the brain and kidney, but they all retain the ability to synthesize MT. Zinc (and copper) supplementation can induce the organ to restore its ability to produce MT proteins.
In advanced cutting-edge physiological research, MT protein is considered to be more than 20 times more capable of resisting oxidation and removing heavy metals than glutathione and its peroxidase, and thousands of times more than superoxide dismutase. Its ability to resist oxidation and remove free radicals is not inferior to that of selenium.
?I would not be surprised if one day MT protein becomes a new "elixir" that surpasses NMN and NAD, but supplementing with high-quality zinc can achieve such an effect, and there is no need to be obsessed with health care such as Amway. Food, not to mention that MT protein is as unstable as NAD, must be extremely expensive.
The only academic descendant of Professor Lu Zhizheng, the first master of traditional Chinese medicine and former editor-in-chief of "China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine", is Professor Li Xitao. The story of MT protein was told to me by Professor Li in person. The organization is jointly conducting multidisciplinary research on MT protein with Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in Taiwan, and has sent me the initial research results. I was shocked after watching it! But Professor Li and I both believe that until the MT protein product is stable and large-scale human trials are inconclusive, supplementing with high-quality zinc and Chinese herbal prescriptions with high zinc content will also have good effects and be safe. Traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions for promoting yang energy are almost certainly high in zinc.
The study of MT protein explains from one side why infants, children, and teenagers have "strong Yang Qi" and strong body recovery capabilities. It also reveals an important mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine formulas for generating Yang Qi. Modern people talk a lot about "scientific traditional Chinese medicine", and the research on MT protein is a good entry point, and zinc plays an important role.
Zinc, the Fire of Life (Part 4) Selenium deficiency in 72% of China’s land is caused by geological conditions; however, the large-scale loss of zinc in China’s agricultural soil is an outright man-made disaster. This is not only the case in China, but also in many countries. The widespread use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically modified seeds has led to soil deterioration, acidification, and massive loss of trace elements, with zinc bearing the brunt. Four years ago, in order to study the issue of infertility, I learned that from a nutritional perspective, zinc deficiency is the main cause of infertility, and zinc content determines sperm quality. According to data released by the Population Association of China and the National Health Commission, the infertility rate among couples of childbearing age in China has increased from 2.5-3 20 years ago to around 12-15 in recent years. Studies have also shown that male sperm quality decreases by an average of 1 per year.
From an agricultural perspective, although the overall data is missing, the whole picture can be seen through some partial studies. I have read soil research in Shaanxi, Zhejiang, Guangdong and other places, as well as related research led by Academician Zhang Fusuo of China Agricultural University. Over the past 40 years, the estimated loss of zinc in agricultural soils in various parts of my country has ranged from 20 to 60. The incidence of infertility and the rate of decline in sperm quality are basically the same. Essentially, infertility and decreased sperm quality are important signs of decreased vitality and premature aging; women’s fertility and endocrine levels are also highly related to zinc. To this end, I have edited relevant articles.
Chemical fertilizers cause soil acidification and hardening, and trace elements are lost with precipitation; pesticides kill soil bacteria, causing trace elements to fail to form a form that can be absorbed; although there are few genetically modified vegetable and fruit varieties in my country, feed However, there are many genetically modified crops. Genetically modified crops lead to limited absorption of trace elements. The pesticide glyphosate used with genetically modified crops is very toxic. The lack of trace elements in feed will eventually be transmitted to humans.
?The human body is deficient in zinc, which is inevitable for premature aging (especially premature aging of the skin), the high incidence of chronic diseases, and the decline in the ability of cells to repair themselves.
Zinc, the Fire of Life (Part 5)
If you understand that the changes and deterioration of agriculture have led to the lack of zinc in our food, it is easy to understand that the lack is not just zinc. Elements and other trace elements are also lost along with zinc, and are either deposited deeply in the soil, wander around, or return to the ocean.
Since zinc is the core element that determines gene expression, without zinc, the characteristic genes of organisms will not be fully expressed. Coupled with the ripening of chemical fertilizers and the like, many foods nowadays are just superficial. The taste is not as good as before. Tomatoes don’t have tomato flavor, and strawberries don’t have strawberry flavor, so that “the taste of childhood” has become a yearning advertising slogan.
I usually don’t talk about animal-source foods, but I have to say that the taste of meat food is not as good as it used to be because the feed has deteriorated. As for meat foods such as KFC, not only are they raised in an inhumane way, but they are not nutritious to humans. Moreover, because of their hormones and antibiotics, they cause premature puberty and premature aging in children, and endocrine disorders and intestinal imbalances in adults.
Zinc is also a core element that determines the development and stability of sexual characteristics, both for men and women. Lead is one of the main culprits that damages the development of the reproductive system. Both zinc and selenium can antagonize lead.
Because zinc and selenium intake is generally insufficient, and lead pollution is widespread, the individuality of men and women in society is becoming increasingly blurred. Feminine male stars are popular, and androgynous female stars are popular. Talking about IP, traffic, etc., it’s okay not to have such IP and traffic! Some researchers interpreted it from the perspective of social psychology. In my eyes, it is a sad social phenomenon that emerged due to agricultural changes.
What’s more, zinc deficiency leads to more and more infertility cases. Genetically modified crops have been proven to not only prevent the land from growing other crops, but also cause infertility in humans. So, where is the future of the nation?
The high incidence of unexplained allergies, type 1 diabetes, hand, foot and mouth/norovirus infection, autism, bipolar disorder, and leukemia in today's children are all related to the children's insufficient innate endowments. How can we survive if this continues? Zinc, the Fire of Life (Part 6)
Yesterday the writing was more emotional, today I will talk more about academics. In addition to the aforementioned zinc finger proteins and MT proteins, zinc, as the most important trace element among life power elements, plays a central role in many physiological processes.
More than 100 enzymes are known to use zinc as an active center or structural element in the human body. The most important DNA polymerase and RNA polymerase use zinc as the active center. Without zinc, cell renewal will become empty talk. This is the basic reason why I describe zinc as the "fire of life".
The precursor beta cells of insulin are hexagonal, two of which are zinc atoms. Lack of zinc can easily lead to diabetes.
Zinc-containing carbonic anhydrase participates in carbon dioxide exchange in lung tissue and is an indispensable element for respiration; zinc-containing alkaline phosphatase participates in dephosphorylation reactions, regulates bone metabolism, and is inseparable from bone health; Zinc-containing lactate dehydrogenase and malate dehydrogenase are involved in sugar metabolism, and ethanol and acetaldehyde dehydrogenase are involved in alcohol metabolism. Zinc supplementation can improve sugar and alcohol metabolism.
Zinc, Fire of Life (Part 7)
For the immune system, zinc is crucial for the activity of human T immune cells and can enhance the activity of phagocytes. The concentration of zinc in the male prostate is 400-500 times that of plasma. Zinc deficiency can lead to prostatitis.
In the endocrine field, after growth hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland, if it can be combined with zinc immediately, it will not lose its activity easily; female growth hormone combines with prolactin receptors, and if zinc is involved, the combination The constant can be increased by a factor of 8,000. Plasma zinc levels decrease significantly when women are treated with estrogen or taking birth control pills.
In the field of obstetrics and gynecology, progesterone can promote the removal of zinc from tissues and increase serum zinc in pregnant women; the amount of plasma zinc in pregnant women decreases rapidly after delivery; zinc deficiency is an important background factor for miscarriage and multiple malformations. .
In the field of pediatrics, children with zinc deficiency will have obvious developmental malfunctions and delays.
In the field of neurology, zinc is a component of the 7S nerve growth protein in the central nervous system. Zinc plays an important role in the function of the hippocampus of the brain, which is responsible for memory.
In the field of gastroenterology, the occurrence of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, and inflammatory bowel disease is related to zinc deficiency, and zinc supplementation has a preventive and therapeutic effect.
In the field of dentistry, zinc deficiency can easily lead to oral ulcers and gum lesions, and is an inducement for loose teeth.
Zinc deficiency can cause the oxidation of amino acids to increase and their effects to decrease; zinc deficiency can lead to a decrease in essential amino acids and an increase in non-essential amino acids in the blood. Therefore, in my eyes, many of the efficacy of protein, peptide, and amino acid products promoted on the market are, to put it bluntly, nonsense.
Elemental medicine has three major relationships between elements and vitamins: selenium and vitamin E, calcium and vitamin D, and zinc and vitamin A. Zinc deficiency means that vitamin A in the liver cannot be mobilized and cannot reach the eyes, and overall vision will decrease and even lead to night blindness. Nowadays, ophthalmologists often prescribe vitamin A, and Professor Wu Lezheng, general consultant of AIER Ophthalmology, has long attached importance to the use of vitamin A and zinc supplements. As expected of everyone!
I am well aware of Marx’s famous saying “The weapon of criticism cannot replace the weapon of criticism”, but when it comes to this point, I wrote the above emotional words