Confucius said: "The Lord is loyal and trustworthy. If your friends are not as good as yourself, don't be afraid of correcting your mistakes." ("Zihan" ninth)
Translation: Confucius said: "Everything must be based on Be loyal and trustworthy, don’t make friends who are not as good as yourself, and don’t be afraid to correct mistakes. ”
Zengzi said: “I examine myself three times every day: How can I be disloyal to others? Make friends but don’t believe it? Are you not used to it? " (No. 1 in "Xueer")
Translation: Zengzi said: "I reflect on myself several times every day: Am I doing my best when doing things for others? Are you honest in your interactions with friends? Have you reviewed the knowledge imparted by the teacher? ”
Confucius said: “With clever words, charming appearance, and sufficient courtesy, Zuo Qiu is ashamed of it, and Qiu is also ashamed of it.” If you hide your grudges and befriend others, Zuo Qiu will be ashamed of him, and Qiu will be ashamed of him. "("Gongye Chang" fifth)
Translation: Confucius said: "Sweet words, smiling faces, nodding and bowing, Zuo Qiuming thinks it is shameful, and I think it is shameful too; making friends with people with resentment, Zuo Qiuming thought it was shameful, and so did I. ”
Confucius said: “Three friends benefit and harm three friends: friends who are straightforward, friends who are forgiving, friends who are knowledgeable, which is beneficial; friends who are friendly, friends who are gentle, friends who are sycophantic, which is a loss.” " ("Ji Shi" 16)
Translation: Confucius said: "There are three kinds of helpful friends and three kinds of harmful friends. It is beneficial to make friends with integrity, friends with integrity, and friends with extensive knowledge. It is harmful to associate with people who are flattering and flattering, to associate with people who flatter people on the surface but slander others behind their backs, and to associate with people who are good at smooth talk. "
Yan Yuan and Ji Ludai. Confucius said: "Yong Ge said your ambition? Zilu said: "I hope that my carriage, horse, and clothing will be light, and I will have sex with my friends, and I will have no regrets about it." Yan Yuan said: "I wish there would be no cutting off good deeds and no giving of hard work." Zilu said, "I would like to hear your ambition!" "The words say: "The old are at peace with it, the friends trust it, and the young are pregnant with it. "("Gongye Chang" fifth)
Translation: When Yan Yuan and Ji Lu were serving. Confucius said: "Why don't you tell everyone their wishes?" Zilu said, "I am willing to use my chariot, horse, and fur coat with my friends. I will not regret it if it breaks down." Yan Yuan said: "I hope I can do it without showing off my advantages or publicizing my merits." Zilu said, "What is your wish?" Confucius said: "I hope that the elderly can enjoy peace and happiness, the children can be cared for, and my friends can trust me." ”