1, Confucius said: A gentleman seeks for himself, while a villain seeks for others. Wei Linggong explained: A gentleman demands himself, while a villain only demands others.
2. Confucius said: a gentleman is Thai but not arrogant, and a villain is arrogant but not Thai. Lutz explained that a gentleman stretches peacefully without arrogance; The villain is arrogant and not flat.
3. Confucius said: A gentleman who knows little suffers greatly, and a villain who knows little cannot suffer greatly. Wei Linggong explained that a gentleman can't test him with trivial things, but he can bravely carry heavy burdens; Little people can't shoulder heavy responsibilities, but they can be tested by small things.
4、? Confucius said: gentlemen are harmonious but different, while villains are the same but not harmonious. Lutz explained: gentlemen pay attention to mutual cooperation and do not blindly follow; Little people blindly follow and do not pay attention to coordination.
5. Confucius said: a gentleman is not as good as Zhou, and a villain is not as good as Zhou. "For politics" explains that a gentleman stresses unity without collusion, while a villain colludes with each other without unity.
6. Confucius said: A gentleman likes virtue, while a villain likes earth; A gentleman is guilty of punishment, but a villain is guilty of profit. Li Ren explains that a gentleman is obsessed with morality, while a villain is obsessed with the countryside. Gentlemen care about the legal system, while villains care about kindness.
7. Confucius said: a gentleman is righteous and a villain is profitable. "Establishing a person" shows that a gentleman knows righteousness, while a villain only values self-interest.
8. My son said that Xia Zi said: Women are gentlemen and Confucianism, doing nothing and being evil. Yongye explained: You must be a Confucian with morality, and never be a Confucian without morality.
9. Confucius said: the gentleman's achievement is the villain's hair. "Xianwen" explains that a gentleman is upward and understands benevolence and righteousness; The villain is down and out, pursuing fame and profit.
10, Confucius said: a gentleman who is not kind has a husband, and a benevolent person has no villain. Xianwen explains: there will be unkind people among gentlemen, but there will be no benevolent people among villains.
1 1, the virtue of a gentleman, the virtue of a villain, the wind on the grass will be suppressed. Yan Yuan explained that the virtue of a gentleman is like the wind, and the virtue of a villain is like grass. When the wind blows over the grass, the grass will definitely fall to one side.
12, a gentleman is brave without righteousness, and a villain is brave without righteousness. "Yang Huo" explains the gentleman and the villain: a gentleman who only talks about courage but not justice will rebel and make trouble, while a villain who only talks about courage but not justice will become a thief.
13, a gentleman learns the Tao and loves others, while a villain learns the Tao easily. Yang Huo explained: A gentleman will be kind when he knows the truth, and a villain will be easy to obey when he knows the truth.
The way you get along with people.
14, Confucius said: the beauty of a gentleman as an adult is not the evil of an adult. The villain is the opposite. Yan yuan explained: a gentleman will fulfill the good things of others, but will not encourage the bad things of others. The villain is just the opposite.
Confucius said: an upright man is open and poised, I am worried. "Shuer" explains that a gentleman is always open-minded in everything, while a villain is often embarrassed and sad.
16, Confucius said: a gentleman has three fears: fear of fate, fear of adults, and fear of the words of saints. I don't know my fate, but I'm not afraid of it. I despise adults and saints. Ji explained that gentlemen are afraid of three things: fear of destiny, fear of powerful people, and fear of the words of saints. I don't know my destiny, so I'm not afraid, blaspheming the powerful and insulting the sage's remarks-that is, the ignorant are fearless. "
17, Confucius said: It's easier said than done by a gentleman. Don't say it, don't say it. It also allows people, this device. It's easy for the villain to say something difficult. It's not true, but it is. It also makes people want to be prepared. Lutz explained that it is easy to work under a gentleman, but it is difficult to please him. He won't like it without proper means. When he appoints people, he will definitely use them according to their ability and political morality. It is difficult to work under a villain, but it is particularly easy to win his favor. Even if you please him by improper means, he will like it very much. When he gives orders to people around him, he will find fault with everything.