Behave with yourself and have trust in others. Confucius advocated that no matter what role a person plays, he has his own way of conducting himself in the world: to be a son of man If you are a friend, you are filial; if you are a friend, you are trustworthy; if you are a minister, you are righteous; if you are a brother, you are loving; if you are a younger brother, you are respectful; if you are poor, you are happy; if you are rich, you are courteous.
"Be sensitive to things but cautious in speaking", in this way, "there will be a way and a correct way"...
For the sake of learning, study and think simultaneously, and for the sake of benevolence, Anren Liren Confucius advocated that learning should be done simultaneously with learning and thinking. As the saying goes, "Learning without thinking will lead to failure, and thinking without learning will lead to peril." Combining learning and thinking, "reviewing the past and learning the new", only in this way...
< p>3.Evaluate the Analects objectively and inherit the classics. It is undeniable that many remarks in the Analects have been criticized